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Alberto Zezza Gero Carletto Benjamin Davis

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Presentation on theme: "Alberto Zezza Gero Carletto Benjamin Davis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alberto Zezza Gero Carletto Benjamin Davis
Moving Away from Poverty A Spatial Analysis of Poverty and Migration in Albania Alberto Zezza Gero Carletto Benjamin Davis Presented by Talip Kilic DECRG - PO, World Bank Tirana, 10 June 2008

2 Objective Explore the poverty migration nexus Methodology
Spatial relationship Differentiate by types of migration Methodology Estimate district & commune migration flows Produce migration maps and compare to poverty maps

3 Outline Background Results/Maps Conclusions
Absorption/Expulsion Indices Comparison with Poverty Maps Different Levels of Geo-Disaggregation Conclusions Theory, descriptives and methodology are described in the paper. The presentation will focus on the results.

4 Background Poverty Migration 25.4% below poverty line
Highest incidence in rural areas and the North-East Migration International 600,000+ permanent; plus temporary/seasonal Internal RuralUrban & UrbanUrban (Tirana and Coast)

5 Migration Typologies Mostly internal: North East – Mountain
Internal receivers & international senders: Tirana, Coast, Korce International outflows: South, Malesi e Madhe, Kucove

6 Data & Methodology Data: 1989 & 2001 Population and Housing Censuses & 2002 Poverty Map (Small Area Est.) Population balancing equation: Expulsion index: Outflow/Pop89 District level Internal International Absorption index: Inflow/Pop01 District & commune level


8 Expulsion Poverty

9 Expulsion International Internal

10 Migration flows

11 Absorption Poverty

12 Absorption Poverty

13 Log consumption expenditure
Simple correlations Poverty headcount Log consumption expenditure District level Expulsion Total -0.10 0.22 Internal 0.43 -0.48 International -0.54 0.73 Absorption -0.24 0.30 Commune level -0.22 0.16

14 Tirana Inflow Poverty 35% + New residents in the poorest areas!

15 Conclusions/1 Welfare and location important determinants
Internal ≠International Poverty: Push factor for internal, constraint to international? Fight poverty at source! Urban: poverty higher among recent immigrants

16 Conclusions (Cont’d) Further research: Causality Sequencing
Return migration

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