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Nutrition and Nutrients

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1 Nutrition and Nutrients


3 Nutrition The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth Food nourishment

4 What is a Nutrient? Substances that the body needs to live and grow
Body requires more than 45 nutrients Six Main Nutrients Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Minerals Vitamins Water

5 Macronutrients and Micronutrients
Carbohydrates Proteins Fats These nutrients are broken down (metabolism) to provide energy Vitamins Minerals Not used for energy themselves but help macronutrients to be used as energy

6 Carbohydrates About 3/4s of your daily calories should be from carbs
The most important source of energy for your body The digestive system changes carbs into glucose and your body uses this as sugar for energy for your Cells Tissues Organs About 3/4s of your daily calories should be from carbs

7 Simple Carb Presented by BATDAD

8 Simple VS. Complex Carbs
Simple Carb Complex Carbs Made of sugar molecules strung together Referred to as a dietary starch Rich in fiber Found in whole plant foods Often high in vitamins and minerals Green vegetables Whole grains: oatmeal Starchy vegetables beans Made up of just one or two sugar molecules Very rapidly digested Quickest source of energy Table sugar Honey Jams/jellies Candy Soft drinks

9 Smarter carb consumption
list. Smarter carb consumption Carbs to Limit Smarter Carbs Best Choices Instead of: Choose: Or better yet choose: Candy Dried fruit Whole fruit Soda or punch Fruit juice Seltzer with a dash of juice White bread Whole-wheat bread Seven-grain bread Enriched pasta Whole-wheat pasta Cracked wheat pilaf White crackers Whole-grain cracker Vegetable sticks Cotton candy Caramel apple Apple Chocolate chip cookie Oatmeal raisin cookie Strawberries Sugary cereal Bran cereal Rolled oats

10 proteins Building blocks of life
Basic structures of proteins are amino acids Need it to help your body repair cells and make new ones Important for growth and development in: Children Teens Pregnant women

11 Proteins Cont. Found in animal sources such as Meats Milk Fish Eggs
Soy and beans

12 Amino acids Essential: Can’t be made by the body SUPPLIED BY FOOD


14 Good fats vs bad fats Good fats Bad fats
Good for the heart, cholesterol and overall health Manages moods, helps mental health, fights fatigue and controls weight Tends to be a liquid Monounsaturated Olive oil, sunflower oil, olives, nuts, avocados Polyunsaturated Soybean oil, corn oil, walnuts, fatty fish, soymilk Increases risk of disease and elevates cholesterol Tends to be solid at room temperature Saturated fats High-fat cuts of meat, chicken with skin, whole dairy products, butter and cheese Trans fat Baked pastries, packaged snacks, fried foods, candy bars


16 Trans fat in america

17 vitamins Not a source of energy but helps unlock energy stored in food
Organic substance made by plants or animals

18 Water-soluble Fat-soluble
Needs to dissolve in water before body can absorb them Body cant store these vitamins If it isn’t used will be leave body by urination Vitamin C B complex Vitamins Dissolve in fat and can be stored in body Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K


20 Minerals Inorganic substances coming from soil and water
Absorbed by plants or eaten by animals Some body needs a lot calcium Some body needs a little Copper Iodine Iron zinc

21 Minerals and vitamins Both boost immune system
Support normal growth and development Help cells and organs do their jobs It’s better to eat these nutrients instead of taking supplements


23 Water Helps maintain homeostasis Transports nutrients to cells
Removes waste products Body is made up of 50-80% water Drink 8, 8 oz. of water daily

24 benefits Boosts Immune system Helps cells and organs do job
Support normal growth and development Maintains homeostasis Boosts energy Overall health

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