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QA BSc Digital & Technology Solutions

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1 QA BSc Digital & Technology Solutions

2 QA Track Record Ofsted Grade 1 “Outstanding”
Leaders in Developer and Higher Apprenticeships QA delivered 40% of all Higher Apprenticeship starts in 2013/14 Utilising industry leading content and capability from QA Learning, over 1,500 course titles, 200 trainers and 20 locations Experienced in delivering undergraduate and postgraduate higher education to over 2,500 business and computing students

3 Design Principles Builds on your Advanced Apprenticeship with QA
Designed to fit with full-time technical roles Blended Learning model to maximise benefit of face-to-face teaching time BSc as a final award

4 About QA & University of Roehampton
QA has developed BSc Digital & Technology Solutions for delivery as Degree Apprenticeship from Autumn 2015, Chartered Management Degree Apprenticeship to launch in May 2017 Roehampton is ranked as the best modern university in London in the 2015 Sunday Times University League Table Roehampton is ranked as a most research- intensive modern UK university, with particular interests in “technical education research” and “women in technology careers” Strategic Partnership agreed between QA and UoR for a minimum of 5 years

5 The team – and tutorial support
Every member of QA staff that Degree Apprentices come into contact with, in person or online, is there to enhance the apprentice-student experience. Most members of the team have experience of working with, or in, higher education and many have post graduate qualifications, including PhDs. At an organisational level, the team that will manage the curriculum and administration of the degree’s operations include: Professor Munir Morad ( Academic Programme Manager Associate Dean) Paul Hibbin (Operational Delivery manager) Senior Lecturers and Academic Tutors, including Dr Yonas Gebremichael, Peter Behague, Kofi Glover, James Kadirire Technical Skills Coaches Ben Sweetman (Business Development Director)

6 Delivery Model Blended learning approach, based on:
video-based learning to introduce the module and key subject areas face-to-face learning facilitated by Tutors / Lecturers. Structured exercises and peer-to-peer learning through our social learning platform- Canvas, with coach and tutor support. Four terms per year* (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) *Five terms per level (15 months) Each module lasts 10 weeks* *Two x 2 day workshops per 10 weeks to maximise value of face-to-face days. 10 hours-equivalent of video, core reading, exercises and online tutorial each week (5hrs in work/5hrs home*) Levy rules state 20% of employees time to be allocated to learning

7 LEVEL 4 TIMELINE Autumn Term Winter Term Spring Term Summer Term
Module 1 – 20 credits 10 weeks Module 2 – 20 credits 10 weeks Module 3 – 20 credits 10 weeks Module 4 – 20 credits 10 weeks Module 5 – 20 credits 10 weeks 15 months for 5 taught modules Work based portfolio – 20 credits Typically 15 months for completion of full “Level”. Modules carry 20 credits, unless otherwise stated

8 LEVEL 5 TIMELINE Autumn Term Winter Term Spring Term Summer Term
Module 1 – 20 credits 10 weeks Research Methods – 10 credits 10 weeks Module 3 – 20 credits 10 weeks Module 4 – 20 credits 10 weeks Module 5 – 20 credits 10 weeks 15 months for 5 taught modules Work based Project – 30 credits Typically 15 months for completion of full “Level”. Modules carry 20 credits, unless otherwise stated

9 LEVEL 6 TIMELINE Autumn Term Winter Term Spring Term Summer Term
Module 1 – 20 credits 10 weeks Module credits 10 weeks Module 3 – 20 credits 10 weeks Module 4 – 20 credits 10 weeks 12 months for 4 taught modules Major Project – 40 credits The completion of the project can be flexible to enable employers and students to compress the completion this Level into 12 months by starting work on their project earlier. Typically 15 months for completion of full “Level”. Modules carry 20 credits, unless otherwise stated

10 Example of 10 week module Video & Online Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Off Site Practical Exercise & Peer Review Practical Exercise & Peer Review Practical Exercise & Peer Review Assignment building Assignment building Assignment building Revision Technical Skills Coach support, throughout the module F2F Two day workshop Two day workshop Assessment Assignment starts Assignment hand in Exam

Award: BSc Digital & Technology Solutions Level Level 4/HE1 Level 5/HE2 Level 6/HE3 Compulsory Understanding Systems Development Work Based Portfolio Maths & Algorithms Data Communications & Network Security Business Strategy Research Methods (10 credits) Work Based Project (30 credits) Dissertation – Major Project (40 credits) Synoptic Project:  Developing Technology Strategy Recommended Object Oriented Programming Solution Architecture Planning and Implementing DevOps Optional Select one from: Data Modelling & SQL Language Web Application Development Test Driven Development Systems Analysis & Design IT Project Management Management for IT IT Security Principles Select two from: Web Application Security Web & Mobile Development User Experience Design Big Data & Analytics Agile Performance Testing Data Science Designing and Developing Products for the Internet of Things Cyber Security Unified Communications Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Functional Programming

12 Assessment Types Our primary methods of assessment will be relevant different learning styles: Business Project:  an extended business report where the student will research and write up in a discursive form on a particular area, often chosen with consultation with a tutor. Case Study: usually a short written response to questions about a given text-based scenario requiring the student to apply theory to a factual or fictional situation. Digital/Technical Project:  an extended analysis, design, implementation and testing related to areas such as applications, web design or multimedia. A report and interview are part of the assessment. Examination, revealed or part-revealed:  this is when the questions for an exam are revealed or partially revealed to the student prior to the exam. For technical modules, these will be often include specific technical and practical elements. Oral presentation:  presenting orally as individuals or in groups – usually to a seminar group. Group Wiki: a web-based method for presenting findings as a group project. In particular each year will have a strong work-based element through: Year One: Work Based Portfolio of Competence Year Two: Work-based Project Final Year: Dissertation

13 University of Roehampton Degree Qualifications
Final Grade is Based on the percentage marks in the best 200 credits achieved at levels 5 and 6. At least 50% of the honours classification is based on level 6 marks. For students who have not completed 200 credits with the University of Roehampton, the regulations will use all the Level 5 and Level 6 credits achieved at the University.

14 Technical Skills Coach support
Dedicated Technical Skills coach* *Takes over from the Assessor delivery on Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship- as applicable* Is your consistent point of contact throughout the degree programme Provides coaching meetings (minimum 1 x 2hr visit every 8 weeks) as well as ongoing support Will be focused on technical skills coaching to support the taught modules Owns the Work-based portfolio and work-based project modules Skills Coach may change at the end of each completed level.

15 Academic Support and Learning Opportunities for Apprentices
During term-time, tutors and lecturers will be available, every week at an agreed ‘office hours time’, for online conferencing, with audio and video support being available. This practice has already been in place in previous terms, and has proved to be very successful. Our digital learning enables Degree Apprentices to combine study with work and other commitments. Furthermore, it allows Degree Apprentices to study when it best suits them, using online course material all available through QA’s online, virtual learning resources The Apprenticeship Degrees’ research modules will be coordinated by the Academic Programme Manager, who will also supervise as many dissertations as possible.

16 Apprentice time and study skills
Apprentices should expect to be contributing 10 hours per week, some of which will be in working hours, but they will need to make up the rest in their own time Learning Styles Questionnaire You will need to develop skills for self-study and independent research You must take charge of your learning and development

17 Key points/Academic Criteria
Holiday: We recommend that holidays are taken between terms where possible to avoid delays in progression or late submission. *Submission dates will not be extended if annual leave is taken in term. Extensions*: May be granted in some cases where evidence of mitigating circumstances can be provided. Exams: Must be sat on the scheduled date. Failure to attend or fail the exam will result in a resit being offered. Re-sits: 1 re-sit is offered and Capped at 40%. Failure to attend or pass the exam will result in Module fail and full re-take will be required using online provision. Marking of Assignments/Exams: University SLA is 21 working days. Progression to next level: 100 Credits required to progress Regulations: ttp:// _Assets/PDFs_and_Word_Docs/Quality_and_Stand ards/Taught%20Degree%20Regulations% pdf


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