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The Evolutionary perspective

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1 The Evolutionary perspective
On Information transforming systems and Critical Realism Information comes after Critical Realism topic

2 1.Evolutionary perspective
An individual Is developing and storing for future developing In time In a selective (differentially perpetuating) environment

3 Evolutionary perspective asks
What defines an individual (a species)? Which influences act on development? Which of them are internal- / external (ly caused)? How does an individual isolate from external influences…? How does storing work? Can probable future environmental developments be predicted? Estimated? (How) Is the progression of time felt? Can selective criteria be observed / learned? Does an individual (species) influence selective regimes of its environment?

4 Focusing on process in my work
Focus on the differential perpetuation of stable states and stability of states. Relations are analyzed in terms of dependencies and interactions (growth promoting, growth inhibiting, contradicting effects, actual and perceived stationarity) Dynamics of energy transformations known from physics (2nd Law of Thermodynamics & Principle of Stationary Action) Deviate; physical quality action; path

5 Critical Realism Is a composed term comprising a
General philosophy of science & a Special philosophy of the human sciences

6 Critical Realism: General Philosophy of Science
Science should be understood as an ongoing process. Scientists improve the concepts they use to understand the mechanisms they study. Not the identification of a coincidence between a postulated independent variable and dependent variable. the generally assumed non-existence of a posited mechanism because of its non- realisation through an assumably explicit experimental setup Way of human perceiving and thinking influencing axioms and assumptions

7 Critical Realism: Special Philosophy of the human Sciences
A social scientific method to identify the mechanisms producing social events. My Evolutionary View-Hypothesis: These –in precaution called analogous- mechanisms have an evolutionary changing progress of selective environments and information processing behind them, compared to a presumed origin in the physical world MBE steady states; environment characterized by a goal selecting is obeying a goal Physics Environment (PE) Physico-Chemical Environment (PCE) Metabolico-Biological Environment (MBE) Intentional Environment (IE)

8 2.Information Information in Natural Sciences
Morse idea for a binary choice coding in Shannon Mathematical Theory of Communication [1] "Form or Gestalt or Structure“ platonic Eidos, aristotelic form [2] “Information is physical” and physically effective [3] Constraints are information [4] Genetic „information“ – communication or orders? References: [1] Shannon, C.E.; Weaver, W. The mathematical theory of communication; Originally published [2] Weizsäcker, C. F. v. (1974): Die Einheit der Natur; München.  [3] Stonier, T. (1999) Information and the Internal Structure of the Universe; Springer: London, UK, 1990. [4] Kauffman, et al.(2007) Propagating organization: An enquiry; Biol Philos, 23, 27–45. Discovered and developed the concept of genetic information

9 If information is physical…
Viewed from an information ethical perspective, my evolutionary view aims at a scientifically rigid but open minded preoccupation with the multitude of different body forms, forms of self-supporting systems and the diverse strategies which developed to achieve stability. Diversity and an scientifically rigid but open minded preoccupation with the question, if unlimited liberalism in choosing between strategies is ethical and wise with regard to future developing – or if some observable limits for stabilizing dynamics in systems known from e.g. Biology could have broader validity, especially when information is physical. Constraint Critical realism

10 Demanded and expectable
ETHICS includes a standard and goals for “good” acting; offers answers for situation dependent contextual acting; asks the question about definition and potential limits of free will. Acting influences: Energy- and matter flows & Emotional impressions of individuals. Environmental setup (usually) in small steps My Evolutionary View on Information Transforming Systems should not be taken as normative for acting and non-acting but presents examples of processes during evolutionary history vividly, so that individual assessment of a possible normativity is stimulated in readers.

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