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Welcome to 2nd Grade! Mrs. Nix’s crew!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 2nd Grade! Mrs. Nix’s crew!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 2nd Grade! Mrs. Nix’s crew!

2 Be Respectful Be responsible Be ready School Expectations

3 How can I BE RESPECTFUL? Respect Adult authority. Be kind.
Use appropriate voice level. Use good manners.

Keep hands and feet to yourself. Help others. Keep the school clean.

5 How can I BE READY? Be on task. Do your best. Follow directions.

6 Show me how to… BE RESPONSIBLE BE READY BE RESPECTFUL In the hallway…
In the lunchroom during breakfast… In the hallway in the morning before class… In the classroom… In the bathroom… On the playground… BE RESPONSIBLE BE READY BE RESPECTFUL

7 What does a good classmate and friend look like?
CLASS EXPECTATIONS How do we LEARN? What does a good classmate and friend look like?

8 Class Expectations Listen to directions Enter and exit prepared
Always try your best Respect others No excuses

9 Morning Routine Eat breakfast in the Cafeteria if you like
Come to 2nd grade hall, and sit quietly until Mrs. Nix invites you into the classroom. Place agendas and purple folders in the green basket Hang your book bag on the hook with your number Sit at your desk and complete the work assigned

10 Class Expectations- Rewards and Consequences
I am a role model I am kind I am making good choices I am doing my best to learn 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

11 Rewards! Yay! 20 points- Write with a pen (your choice of color) all day! 40 points- Sit with a buddy until lunch. 50 points- Bring a stuffed animal. 70 points- Sit with a friend at lunch. 100 points- Homework pass!

12 Class Expectations- Rewards and Consequences
I can make better choices. I can refocus my behavior. I can improve my behavior. I can talk about my behavior. Verbal warning Refocus table Refocus with another teacher Talk with Mrs. Malone or Mrs. Bishop

13 What is Refocus? Why do I need to refocus? How do I refocus?
At the Refocus table, you will write an answer to these questions: 1. What did you do? 2. What should you have done? Parent, Student, and Teacher will sign your response.

14 PBIS Help our class get points!!!

15 How can our class get points?
Our WHOLE class can get points from Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. Malone, and other important adults. Our WHOLE class can get points by showing others that we are SUPER respectful, responsible, and ready! We are the BEST class in the WHOLE school! Let’s show them everywhere we go!!

16 When do we/How do we… Go to the bathroom? Sharpen pencils?
Line up at the door? Come to the carpet? Help the teacher?

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