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Tools for Spreading Success

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Presentation on theme: "Tools for Spreading Success"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools for Spreading Success
Katrin Washroom Program

2 This "Tools for Spreading Success" presentation includes all the sales and marketing tools available for communicating Katrin’s ‘Hygiene Spreads Success’ theme in different customer touchpoints. The tools are tailored to suit the Katrin sales as well as distributor needs. You can choose which ones best serve your requirement. 9/12/2018

3 Sales Support Materials

4 Sales support package includes:
Presentation Brochure Roll-Ups Posters Gifts and giveaways 9/12/2018

5 Sales presentation Updated sales presentation to support sales people in customer meetings. 9/12/2018

6 Sales brochure Updated sales brochure to support sales people in customer meetings and customer communication. 9/12/2018

7 Roll-Ups Visibility for customer events, happenings, trainings and trade fairs. 9/12/2018

8 Posters Visibility for customer events, happenings, trainings and trade fairs. 9/12/2018

9 Gifts and giveaways Information about available giveaways is provided by your local marketing. 9/12/2018

10 Distributor Support Materials

11 Distributor support package includes:
Sales speech Campaign leaflet Banners Print ad templates POS ideas Wobbler Sticker Pallet wrapper Floor sticker T-shirts 9/12/2018

12 Sales speech* (Describing the challenge using facts) The risk of infections increases in any location where people are in constant contact with each other. Infections cost organizations a lot of money. It has been estimated that, because of the common cold, European businesses lose hundreds of millions of euros per year. (Involving the customer) An average employee is absent for 6-12 days per year because of flu. You can easily count how much that is in your organization! (Giving the answer) Hygiene, on the other hand, spreads success. 80% of all infections are spread by touching. This is why hand washing is the best and cheapest cure and preventive measure. (Moving on to a specific solution) A comfortable paper-based hygiene solution pays itself back quickly, and helps maintain productivity on a healthy level. Touch-free solutions are becoming increasingly popular. The Katrin Ease product family is an investment for the future. * A short example of a sales speech from defining the customer challenge and providing a Katrin solution. 9/12/2018

13 Campaign leaflet A compact handout that encapsulates the ‘Hygiene Spreads Success’ theme. 9/12/2018

14 Banners, larger size 140x350 pix
Banners of various sizes to be utilized on the distributor’s websites 9/12/2018

15 Banners, smaller size 468x60 pix
Banners of various sizes to be utilized on the distributor’s websites 9/12/2018

16 Print ad templates Different ads can be used in various
media. The templates are: 2 x horizontal templates for four products for six products 4 x vertical templates for two products for three products 9/12/2018

17 POS ideas Ideas for away-from-home visibility for
example in Cash & Carry. POS ideas available: Wobbler Sticker Pallet wrapper Floor sticker T-shirts The POS ideas have been shown in the following slides. 9/12/2018

18 Wobbler and sticker Hygiene Spreads Success Did you know that proper hand hygiene can cut absenteeism by 50%*? Professional Katrin hand hygiene solutions help save costs, improve productivity, and motivate employees. *Am J Infect Control 2002;30:217-20 Wobbler Sticker 9/12/2018

19 Pallet wrapper and floor sticker
Floor stickers Pallet wrappers Hygiene Spreads Success 80% of all infections spread by touch. Even common flus cost organizations hundreds of millions of euros in sick days and replacements. Katrin products help save costs and improve productivity. 9/12/2018

20 T-shirts – for POS and/or for internal use

21 Additional Sales Support Materials

22 Additional sales support materials include:
Edutainment videos Katrin Xpert learning module HIX Hygiene index tool 9/12/2018

23 Edutainment videos Educational and entertaining office
hygiene theme videos are available on the Katrin YouTube channel and can be used for: sales visits trade fairs customer events internal training sessions on the Web 9/12/2018

24 Katrin Xpert learning module
Katrin Xpert learning module includes information, quizzes and customer dialogue exercises for memorizing the key sales arguments. 9/12/2018

25 will be updated to support
the Washroom campaign and consultative sales approach. The following sections will be updated: Highlight area on the main page Highlight area on the Washroom solutions main page ‘Simple Hygiene Spreads Success’ campaign page (placed below Washroom Solutions) 9/12/2018

26 (DRAFT!on developing phase) HIX Hygiene index tool
Hygiene index tool measures the hygiene level and customer/employee satisfaction in organizations around Europe. It can be used to support sales visits in advance or during the meeting. HIX is available to everyone on 9/12/2018

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