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 8 July 2008 M & E.

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Presentation on theme: " 8 July 2008 M & E."— Presentation transcript:

1  8 July 2008 M & E

2 M & E This day I will marry my best friend. The one I laugh with, live for, love.

3 M & E Eran & Michelle Tzvi & Clara Zeevi David & Elizabeth Cochrane
RSVP to or (077) Tzvi & Clara Zeevi David & Elizabeth Cochrane Michelle Eran & We would be honoured if you could join us in our wedding ceremony: 5.45pm for 6pm start on 8 July 2008 at: Hechal Yehuda Synagogue 13 Ben Saruq, Tel Aviv Then celebrate as the sun sets at: Shalvata Café at the Tel Aviv Port

4 Map M & E Shalvata Tel Aviv Port Hechal Yehuda Synagogue
Ben Saruq Ibn Givirol Rokach P Arlosorov Shalvata Tel Aviv Port Hechal Yehuda Synagogue 13 Ben Saruq, Tel Aviv


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