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Overview & baseline of LS2 and roadmap for CRG

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Presentation on theme: "Overview & baseline of LS2 and roadmap for CRG"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview & baseline of LS2 and roadmap for CRG
25 September 2017 Overview & baseline of LS2 and roadmap for CRG A. Perin (TE-CRG)

2 Outline Update in D. Delikaris presentation + specific meeting for YETS to be held on 9th october. General frame and global LS2 schedule Main constraints for CRG activities Overview of activities & strategy Roadmap and next steps

3 Master schedule of LS2 M. Bernardini, EDMS

4 Main infos / constraints of LS2
Main dates End of physics: end of week 49 ( ) Xmas 2018: standby at 20 K Cryo-conditions back for quench&tests: Start of warm-up: (S1-2); all sectors warm: First cool-down (S4-5): ; all sectors ready for powering End of training quenches:

5 LHC-LS2 global overview
M. Bernardini,

6 LHC-LS2: open points beginning of LS2
Definition of the tests to be performed at the beginning of the LS2: powering, training, which sectors …? Definition of the cryogenics conditions during the Christmas closure  Cryo presently included and it fits in the LS2 baseline QRL X-rays: a cartography of the scaffolding installation should be defined, to prepare LS2 M. Bernardini, 22-Aug-17 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, INDICO

7 LHC-LS2: open points end of LS2
Definition of the cryogenics conditions during the Christmas closure  Cryo presently included and fits in the baseline Pressure tests before the cool down starts  The strategy for the pressure validation test should be defined well in advance, as well as the procedure to apply, and the necessary derogation requested Validation of redundant UPS power distribution during the EYETS Lesson learned during EYETS: the new procedure is convenient for most of the stakeholders.  final validation with TE-VSC needed (Volotek power supplies and Bayard-Alpert gauge filament damaged during EYETS tests) Number of training quenches per sector , 7TeV End of LS2 M. Bernardini, 22-Aug-17 LHC machine Schedule for YETS, INDICO

8 General frame: cryogenic installations under
operation, maintenance, consolidations, projects Operation, Maintenance, Consolidations Projects HL-LHC SM18 upgrade B.163 upgrade B.180; FAIR (going to op) Neutrino platform AD cryoline Physics LHC accelerator LHC detectors SPS-North Area HIE-Isolde Tests facilities SM18 B.163 B.165 central liquefier services (including AD supply) Challenge to manage a very large number of tasks! Non-LHC operation will continue (with some reduction)! New projects are growing! Impact on most activities of the CRG group (group-wide preparation is required!) 8

9 LHC-LS2: time for maintenance
13 months M. Bernardini,

10 LS2 LHC cryoplants maintenance forecast
Based on LS1 experience ( ) Experience gained form LS1 LS2 baseline for maintenance activities: 12 to 13 months Pressure tests, if any; Sectors cooling down, commissioning Emptying (LHC acc.), securing helium inventory, leak testing (localising potential damage on QRL bellows and/or DFB gimbals), warming up (3 months) (2013) 2019 (2014) 2020

11 Projects

12 Projects during LS2 (non HL-LHC)
Projects with critical activities during LS2 B163 / B165 AD cryoline SM18 upgrade

13 HL-LHC projects during LS2 (WP9 + other)
Projects with critical activities during LS2 Cryogenics upgrade at IP4 HL-LHC String in SM18

14 Consolidations master schedule until 2017 - LS2

15 Consolidations master schedule during LS2

16 Lessons learned / recommendation from LS1
LS1: 28 projects/tasks, 27 MCHF budget, 57 FTE Summary of LS1 OMP review (\\\dfs\Departments\TE\Groups\CRG\CRG OMP\2014\OMP \OMP special_post LS1_summary_Conclusions.pptx) Preparation phase improvements Improvement of schedule for co-activities (LHC / non-LHC). Improvement on tracking and quality assurance Summary of LS1 projects review (EDMS ) An explicit coordination structure should be planned in the preparation phase for all projects. Tools to track, follow and evaluate the projects should be defined during the preparation phase. A baseline shall be defined and communicated to all stakeholders and the schedule shall be regularly updated and communicated to all stakeholders. A risk analysis should be performed for the larger projects. Specific preparations should be made to cope with the possible occurrence of unexpected problems. The transition between the successive phases shall be better planned and coordinated, in particular the start of operation. The handover of the systems between the teams shall be better identified with clearly identified systems being formally transferred.

17 Roadmap of preparation for LS2
LS2 has many characteristics of a project: start date, end date, identified listr of tasks Can be treated as a project with the relevant tools Identify all LS1 projects/tasks, responsibility and contributing sections (in progress) Evaluate resources needed for each contribution and pre-define preferred strategy (rep- schedule, resources, etc.) Decision on tasks / projects Prepare the tasks (baseline, resource allocation, responsibilities, tracking tools, coordination, etc.) Perform project / task, monitor project / task In parallel: define the tools to prepare, monitor and report the activities Proposal for regular reviews and progress (12/2017; 03/2018; 06/2018; 09/2018)


19 Official LS2 priorities
Safety Activities needed to reach 300fb-1 during run 3. Includes high priorities of the LHC Detectors HL-LHC & LIU projects Approved projects 4a. Approved project if budgeted Pending Accelerator Consolidation Day Arbitrations for the MTP Approved studies Others

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