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GCSE English w/b 13th November 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE English w/b 13th November 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE English w/b 13th November 2017

2 Today… Set two targets Review paper 1 – ‘Propping Up The Line’
Re-visit questions 1 and 2

3 Targets Have you set targets you hope to achieve by Christmas?
They must be achievable i.e. don’t set achieve GCSE English when the exams are in June Do you know your targets? Make sure you have a copy of them in your folder

4 Schedule (w/c) Part 1/Lesson 1 taught Part 2/Lesson 2 workshop
13 November Looking at questions 1 - 2 Planning and Preparation Workshop 20 November Looking at question 3 Workshop 27 November Looking at question 4 4 December Looking at question 5 Creative Writing exercise Projects Presented 11 December Projects Presented mop-up SPaG and Language Features quiz

5 Paper 1 Question 1 Read again the first part of the Source from lines 1 to 6. List 4 things about Alfred for this part of the source. Only look at lines 1 – 6 Copy the answers across Simpler than you think

6 Read again the first part of the Source from lines 1 to 6.
List 4 things about Alfred for this part of the source. Alfred felt something move. It came out of the mud in the dark behind his back where he sat cold and drowsily slumped against the trench wall. Something small and warmly alive pushed itself between the wooden slats and his battledress jacket. It touched for an instant the small exposed area of his pale dirty skin just where his jacket and vest were folded and rucked up together. He could feel something struggling and pushing to get past him. He shot up in revulsion – he knew just what is was: a filthy . . .

7 Answers Make sure you have 4 answers which reflect the question.
4 things about Alfred 4 easy marks to gain

8 Answers could be he felt something move he had pale dirty skin
he was cold he was sitting in the mud and the dark he was slumped against the trench wall he was wearing a battledress jacket he had pale dirty skin he could feel something struggling and pushing to get past him he stood up fast he felt revulsion.

9 Question 2 Look in detail at this extract from lines 8 to 16 of the Source: How does the writer use language here to describe the rat? You could include the writer’s choice of: Words and phrases Language features and techniques Sentence forms

10 Where to start? On the Source document only you can use a highlighter to mark it. On the question paper you can only underline. Read the appropriate part of the text to see if anything stands out about the rat. Examiners look for the following: Effect of language Textual detail Subject terminology

11 He saw it there, pushing through and twisting its head, saw the wet greasy fur and its mean red eyes. He kicked at it and missed. The rat scuttled out from the tiny gap between the slat supports and ran across the mud. Normally Alfred would have let it go. Rats were, after all, commonplace but something, whether pent-up anger… hate… loss… pain… boredom, whichever it was made him give chase after it. The creature appeared sluggish, as if it were weighed down with overeating. It had most likely been feeding on what was caught, left behind, in the lines and coils of barbed wire which stretched for miles beyond the trench. The terrible sad debris of dead soldiers. The remains that were left behind after a 6am push.

12 Words Identify the following that describe the rat:- Nouns Verbs
Adjectives Adverbs Use of adjectives to repulse the reader. Use of verbs to indicate the precise movement of the rat.

13 He saw it there, pushing through and twisting its head, saw the wet greasy fur and its mean red eyes. He kicked at it and missed. The rat scuttled out from the tiny gap between the slat supports and ran across the mud. Normally Alfred would have let it go. Rats were, after all, commonplace but something, whether pent-up anger… hate… loss… pain… boredom, whichever it was made him give chase after it. The creature appeared sluggish, as if it were weighed down with overeating. It had most likely been feeding on what was caught, left behind, in the lines and coils of barbed wire which stretched for miles beyond the trench. The terrible sad debris of dead soldiers. The remains that were left behind after a 6am push.

14 What can you find Phrases Language Features and techniques
Are there any phrases you can use to describe the rat? Language Features and techniques Are there any that describe the rat?

15 He saw it there, pushing through and twisting its head, saw the wet greasy fur and its mean red eyes. He kicked at it and missed. The rat scuttled out from the tiny gap between the slat supports and ran across the mud. Normally Alfred would have let it go. Rats were, after all, commonplace but something, whether pent-up anger… hate… loss… pain… boredom, whichever it was made him give chase after it. The creature appeared sluggish, as if it were weighed down with overeating. It had most likely been feeding on what was caught, left behind, in the lines and coils of barbed wire which stretched for miles beyond the trench. The terrible sad debris of dead soldiers. The remains that were left behind after a 6am push.

16 Examples of a level 1 answer simple, limited comment (1 – 2 marks)
How does the writer use language to describe the rat? The writer uses language to make the rat sound bad. He uses the words ‘wet greasy fur’. The rat has ‘mean red eyes’ which makes it sound horrible. What image can you see? metaphor

17 What could you change to make this a higher mark answer?

18 Today… Update targets Review Questions 1 and 2 paper 1
Are you now able to gain higher marks for Q2

19 Next Session Continue with your project
Also – check Moodle before next week’s session

20 Schedule (w/c) Part 1/Lesson 1 taught Part 2/Lesson 2 workshop
13 November Looking at questions 1 - 2 Planning and Preparation Workshop 20 November Looking at question 3 Workshop 27 November Looking at question 4 4 December Looking at question 5 Creative Writing exercise Projects Presented 11 December Projects Presented mop-up SPaG and Language Features quiz

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