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Enabling High Speed Data Transfer in High Energy Physics

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1 Enabling High Speed Data Transfer in High Energy Physics
05/12/08 FDT/dCache Enabling High Speed Data Transfer in High Energy Physics Kamran Soomro Caltech May 15, 2008

2 Goals Meet the computing needs of the LHC
05/12/08 Goals Meet the computing needs of the LHC Manage terabyte to petabyte scientific data transfers worldwide from Add pictures Mention CMS

3 CERN Center PBs of Disk; Tape Robot
05/12/08 Data Grid Hierarchy ~PByte/sec ~ MBytes/sec Online System CERN Center PBs of Disk; Tape Robot Tier 0 +1 Tier 1 ~40 Gbps IN2P3 Center RAL Center INFN Center FNAL Center ~n x 10 Gbps Tier 2 Network infrastructure employs two components, dCache and FDT Many of the Tier 1’s have deployed dCache 350 TB of storage at Caltech 450 Batch slots for computing Tier2 Center Tier2 Center Tier2 Center Tier2 Center Tier2 Center ~ Gbps Tier 3 Tens of PB in ; 1 EB by 2015 Institute Institute Institute Institute Physics data cache 0.1 to 10 Gbps Workstations Tier 4

4 05/12/08 dCache Joint venture between the Deutsches Elektronen- Synchrotron (DESY) and the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL) Mass storage system able to distribute data over a large number of heterogeneous nodes Presents single virtual filesystem view Provides access to Tertiary Storage System Space management Pool attraction (Set aside pools for specific purposes) File-level Replication Disk and node failure recovery Filesystem namespace operations available through nfs v2 interface Elaborate on Pool Attraction

5 gsidcapdoor-host1Domain
05/12/08 gsidcapdoor-host1Domain gsigridftpdoor-host1Domain httpdDomain adminDoorDomain dCacheDomain Pool Node PoolManager TCP Connections Admin Node host1Domain Pool Node pnfsDomain PnfsManager PNFS Door Node

6 FDT Developed at Caltech by team led by Iosif Legrand
05/12/08 FDT Developed at Caltech by team led by Iosif Legrand Cross platform, efficient data transfer application Asynchronous multithreaded system Streams a dataset continuously through TCP sockets Parallelizes reading and writing on multiple physical devices Parallelizes data transfer over the network between multiple TCP streams Uses appropriate-sized buffers to match disk I/O with the network Restores files from the buffers asynchronously Resumes a file transfer session without loss, when needed Pipeline transfers to avoid TCP ramp up time Supports various security mechanisms, e.g. SSH Encryption, GSI etc Provides hooks for monitoring tools like MonALISA Pipeline transfers to avoid TCP ramp up time

7 FDT Client/Server Setup
05/12/08 FDT Client/Server Setup Wide Area Network Mention different types of data transfers Transfer Scenarios Memory to memory Disk to memory Disk to disk Storage to memory Storage to disk Storage to Storage

8 FDT @ Supercomputing ‘07 05/12/08 Managed distributed storage
Motivational slide

9 Motivation We already had an efficient data transfer tool
05/12/08 Motivation We already had an efficient data transfer tool US CMS has officially adopted dCache as a storage management solution Facilitate data transfer between Tier 2 and Tier 3 Easily deployable Manage bandwidth efficiently May not have expertise/manpower for complicated setup

10 Approaches for integration
05/12/08 Approaches for integration FDT Adaptor FDT Door FDT Preload Java dCapJ Library Mention the need for integration

11 FDT Adaptor Wide Area Network FDT Client FDT Server 05/12/08
Mention dcap Mention dcap door Explain dccp Mention FDT runs on disk server(s) Storage needs to be high performance disk server

12 05/12/08 FDT Adapter Test Transferred ~480 GB in files of GB distributed over several dozen pools from production storage. 4 Gbps for storage→disk and 5 Gbps by FDT for disk→disk (using 4 dcap doors with 4 dccp’s per door)

13 Drawbacks Extra latency of copying file to intermediate location
05/12/08 Drawbacks Extra latency of copying file to intermediate location Need to deploy high-speed disk server

14 Approaches for integration
05/12/08 Approaches for integration FDT Adaptor FDT Door FDT Preload Java dCapJ Library Mention the need for integration

15 FDT Door 1. Client contacts FDT door
05/12/08 FDT Door FDT Server dCache Pools FDT Client FDT Door FDT Server 1. Client contacts FDT door 2. Door starts up FDT servers on pools 3. Door returns file locations to client 4. Client connects with respective FDT servers for file transfer

16 Drawbacks Prevents FDT from doing intelligent scheduling
05/12/08 Drawbacks Prevents FDT from doing intelligent scheduling Requires multiple instances of FDT server possibly running on the same pool node No pipelining of files Doesn’t allow for pipelining of files Doesn’t allow FDT to do intelligent scheduling Not a valid approach

17 Approaches for integration
05/12/08 Approaches for integration FDT Adaptor FDT Door FDT Preload Java dCapJ Library Mention the need for integration

18 05/12/08 FDT Preload Wide Area Network Mention LD_PRELOAD

19 FDT Preload Test Number of files = 3425 Avg rate ~4.2 Gbps 05/12/08
Explain discrepancy in units

20 Drawbacks Distribution of files is hidden from FDT
05/12/08 Drawbacks Distribution of files is hidden from FDT dCap C library ( is in not thread-safe, resulting in problems during parallel transfers The library provides limited POSIX functionality, FDT needs more, e.g. stat replacement Mention why files are hidden Mention stat

21 Approaches for integration
05/12/08 Approaches for integration FDT Adaptor FDT Door FDT Preload Java dCapJ Library Mention the need for integration

22 05/12/08 FDT/dCapJ

23 Java dCapJ Java language implementation of dCap protocol
05/12/08 Java dCapJ Java language implementation of dCap protocol Uses Java NIO library for efficient data transfer Thread-safe Developed as an independent library for use by application programmers to interact with dCache files via java Does not require deployment of extra hardware 25

24 FDT Storage to Disk with the Java dcapJ Library (3/9/08)‏
FDT/dCache (with dCapJ) sustains a steady [4.2] Gbps with just six 1U pool nodes + 1 disk server 4.8 TByte dataset composed of GByte files is sent in just over Hours [Throughput drops off only as files finish] 4 3. 5 3 2. 5 Gbps 2 1. 5 1 0. 5

25 Source = dCache cluster Max number of parallel transfers = 5
05/12/08 Source = dCache cluster Max number of parallel transfers = 5 Sink = High performance disk system Network = WAN loop from Caltech <-> Chicago Number of files = 260 Round Trip Time = ~160 ms File size = 40 GB Total data transferred = ~10 TB

26 05/12/08 Future Work Continue to test scalability for large dCache installations Integrate FDT with SRM Develop a scheduling service Manage scheduling of transfers to minimize effects of overhead involved in opening files Aggregate transfers queued by different users Integrate FDT with SRM Facilitate data transfer b/w Tier 2 and Tier 3

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