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Neural Differentiation from Human Embryonal Carcinoma Stem Cells

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Presentation on theme: "Neural Differentiation from Human Embryonal Carcinoma Stem Cells"— Presentation transcript:

1 Neural Differentiation from Human Embryonal Carcinoma Stem Cells
Video clips for Chapter Five Functional assessment of motor neuron phenotypes differentiated from EC cells Ph.D candidate: Chendong Pan Supervior: Stefan Przyborski School of Biological and Biomedical Science Durham University, UK

2 Contraction of myotubes contacted by differentiated neurons
RA or RA+Shh neuronal aggregates were co-cultured with myoblasts for 5 days to induce myotube contraction, the contracting myotubes are labelled with black arrows. Click the picture to play the video.

3 Pharmacological manipulation of contractile events in co-culture
Ach stimulates myotube twitching in co-culture Neurons The induced RA or RA+Shh neuronal aggregates were co-cultured with myoblasts in 12 well plate for 5 days before adding Ach (2μM) to the co-culture to induce the contractile events. The myotube begin to contract subsequent to addition of Ach is labelled by the black arrow. Click the picture to play the video.

4 Curare block myotube contraction
Blocked by curare The induced RA or RA+Shh neuronal aggregates were co-cultured with myoblasts in 12 well plate for 5 days before adding Curare (10μM) to the co-culture to block the contractile events. The myotube (marked by white arrow) was inhibited by the addition of curare (as indicated by black arrow on the time bar. Click the picture to play the video.

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