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Modifier Missteps Words, phrases, or clauses that give more information about or describe other words.

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Presentation on theme: "Modifier Missteps Words, phrases, or clauses that give more information about or describe other words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modifier Missteps Words, phrases, or clauses that give more information about or describe other words

2 When is the grammar test?
May 10 and 11

3 Misplaced Modifiers Place the modifying word/phrase/clause (what describes the subject) as close as possible to the word or words you want to modify (add description to) Example: Misplaced: Undaunted, the storm did not prevent the crew from setting sail as planned. Correct: The storm did not prevent the undaunted crew from setting sail as planned.

4 More examples.. Misplaced: They were delighted to see a field of daffodils climbing up the hill. Correct: Climbing up the hill, they were delighted to see a field of daffodils. Misplaced: Uncle Carmine saw a deer bounding across a meadow on his way to work. Correct: On his way to work, Uncle Carmine saw a deer bounding across a meadow.

5 Squinting Modifiers When a modifier could apply to two different words. Example Misplaced: The prime minister said yesterday her opponent spoke honestly. Did the prime minister speak yesterday or did her opponent? Correct: Yesterday, the prime minister said her opponent spoke honestly. Also correct: The prime minister said her opponent spoke honestly yesterday.

6 Practice P. 714 Exercise #1 #1-5

7 Dangling Modifiers When a modifier does not clearly and sensibly modify anything. Example Dangling: Determined, Christy Haubeggar’s plan was to publish a bilingual magazine for Hispanic women. Was the plan determined? Correct: Determined, Christy Haubeggar planned to publish a bilingual magazine for Hispanic women. Also correct: Christy Haubeggar was determined to publish a bilingual magazine for Hispanic women.

8 Another example… Dangling: After researching the African American oral tradition in Florida, the book Mules and Men was written. Who was researching? Correct: After researching the African American oral tradition in Florida, Zora Neale Hurston wrote the book Mules and Men. Also correct: After Zora Neale Hurston researched the African American oral tradition in Florida, she wrote the book Mules and Men.

9 Practice P. 715 Exercise 2 #1-5

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