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GCE AS History Revision

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1 GCE AS History Revision
Little Heath School Sunday 11 May 2014

2 Study Topic 2: The Unification of Italy 1815–70
The questions and sources are always on pages 4 & 5 of the Question Paper

3 Indicative Content

4 The Examination Five sources Two questions 90 MINUTES 30 marks 70 marks

5 Past Questions Season Topic Specimen Leaders of Italian Unification
Key Issue Specimen Leaders of Italian Unification 3 Jan 2009 The Revolutions of & 1831 1 June 2009 The Aims of Cavour Jan 2010 The Development of Piedmont from 1848 June 2010 The Intellectuals & their different attitudes to Italy Jan 2011 The Outcome of the Revolutions of 2 June 2011 The Causes and Outcome of the 1859 War against Austria 4 Jan 2012 Italy & the Crimean War June 2012 Restoration Italy ( ) Jan 2013 The Extent of Unity June 2013 The Role of Mazzini

6 Question Spotting Don’t even try – consecutive papers have twice been taken from the same key issue. If there are any CONTENT / KNOWLEDGE areas that are insecurities for you the time to ask is TODAY!!!

7 Question A The Comparison of Two Sources as Evidence

8 Q(a) Comments from Examiner Reports
“This is now done more effectively than in the past and fewer seemed to compare the wrong sources (or all five!)”. “It is now a weaker minority that offer a general sequential analysis, often without considering the question”. “It is worth remembering that the question asks the candidate to compare two sources ‘as evidence of X’. The comparison must be focused on the key issue (x) named in the question”.

9 Q(a) Comments from Examiner Reports
“It is vital that candidates identify the relevant issues arising in the two sources and use these as their comparative focus. Failure to do so leads to description, paraphrase or at worst copying out word for word”. “Analysis and evaluation of the sources as evidence carries high marks: the key to an effective comparison of provenance is to ask questions about the authors, their likely purpose, the different audiences and their respective tone”.

10 Aiming for Grade B or higher - checklist Can I?
Question A - Comparison of two sources in relation to a named issue Planning Understands command words (such as 'Compare') in questions Ensures comparison is between the two sources named in the question and is about the key issue named in the question Can identify key words / key issues in questions Can identify similarities, differences, agreements and disagreements between the two sources in relation to the key issue named in the question. Can identify text in the sources which illustrates the similarities and differences between the sources. Can write a brief plan that sets out the structure of the answer, focussed on similarities and differences in content and provenance. Can formulate a line of argument based on comparison, including overall judgement, when planning B quality A quality Key

11 Aiming for Grade B or higher - checklist Can I?
Question A - Comparison of two sources in relation to a named issue Comparison of the Sources Can write a paragraph that analyses how the content in each source is similar and one that analyses how the content is different in relation to the issue in the question Can evaluate the weight of the evidence provided by each source, using the provenance of each author and contextual knowledge to ask questions about the authors, their likely purpose, their different audiences and their respective tones. Can sustain a comparison between the sources and arrive at a well-supported judgement which is focused on their value as evidence on the issue in the question, based on an evaluation of the content & provenance of the sources Key B quality A quality

12 Qa Critical Ingredients
Comparison – ways in which the sources agree or are similar. ‘There are clear similarities between the two sources……’ Contrast – ways in which the sources disagree or are different ‘There are also stark differences between the sources……..’ Some evaluation of the relative worth of both sources throughout the answer. ‘The sources are similar because both men share a liberal view point………’ ‘The sources are different because of the time at when they were written……’ Make a judgement on which source is best evidence for the given factor. ‘In conclusion, Source A is best evidence for x because.’

13 Qa - A Practice – January 2011
Compare sources D & E as evidence for the peace negotiations between Austria & Piedmont following the battle of Novara, March 1849. On the question paper highlight the KEY ISSUE named in this question. Use one colour to highlight or underline SIMILARITIES between the sources as evidence about this key issue. Use another colour to highlight or underline DIFFERENCES between the sources as evidence about this key issue.

14 Qa - A Practice – January 2011
Compare sources D & E as evidence for the peace negotiations between Austria & Piedmont following the battle of Novara, March 1849. Now think about who wrote these two sources and who they wrote them to. Was the content expected to be read by the public at the time or was it intended for the recipient’s eyes only? Come to conclusions about the purpose of each author and the relative worth of what each wrote as evidence for X.

15 Now it’s your turn June 2013 qA You have 25 MINUTES to read, plan and complete your answer

16 Question B Use your own knowledge to assess how far the sources support the interpretation that …

17 Q(b) Comments from Examiner Reports
“Most now plan and try to sustain a clearly structured answer, reasonably focused on the question”. “Most know to attempt a grouping based on the assertion in the question”.

18 Q(b) Comments from Examiner Reports
“Candidates need to sustain their grouping by linking and cross referencing within it, establishing why two or three sources contribute via their content to a particular interpretation or challenge it, and their relative merits as evidence. Thus, instead of arguing that A and C support the view and then proceeding to discuss A in one paragraph and C in the next, they would be better advised to select the issues both raise in support and base paragraphs on those. That way they cross reference and think about the key issues”.

19 Q(b) Comments from Examiner Reports
“It is important to realise what the role of knowledge is in this question. It is there as a means of evaluating the sources, extending, confirming or questioning what they say. It is particularly important in evaluation. Selection and use of the most appropriate evidence in evaluating the Sources for the key issue was the key to a high level mark”.

20 Q(b) Comments from Examiner Reports
“By tackling the sources sequentially and discretely they inevitably move into Levels IV and below”. “Many answers drifted out of focus on the key issue in the question. The sharpness of focus was highly significant in marking out the best answers”. “Candidates need to spot the main thrust of argument or view in a source”. “The lack of evaluation was often a key reason for underperformance”. “Many examples of weak or unclear English and some inappropriate use of slang”.

21 Candidates would be well advised to
To read the sources with care in relation to the question. Plan using grouping; cross referencing those sources that can support two or more views. A structured argument is one of the keys to an effective answer. Then assess the value of their grouping (evaluation) building in any relevant knowledge at this point to enable an evaluation of the linked sources to occur. Use relevant evidence within the date range of the question, not from the broader topic. Not to rush into writing. Thinking about a judgement and conclusion before starting to write and planning accordingly is very important. Remember that a Judgement on the value of the sources as evidence, needs support to be convincing. It cannot suddenly be asserted or come out of the blue.

22 Aiming for Grade B or higher - checklist
Can I? Question B - Use of own knowledge to assess how far the group of sources support the named interpretation Planning Understands command words (such as 'Assess' in questions) Can identify key words / key issues in questions Can write a brief plan that sets out the structure of the answer Can write a brief plan that sets out the structure of the answer based on the issues that the sources raise both for and against the named interpretation and that groups the sources that express / raise similar views AND includes other relevant knowledge Can formulate a line of argument including overall judgement when planning Key B quality A quality

23 Key Aiming for Grade B or higher - checklist Can I?
Question B - Use of own knowledge to assess how far the group of sources support the named interpretation Assessing how far the sources support the named interpretation Can identify the issues raised in relation to the named interpretation by the author of each source Can identify text in each source which illustrates the issue being raised Can identify the evidence that the author uses to support his or her views Can group the sources into those raising similar arguments or issues either for or against the named interpretation Can write persuasively about those sources that do and those sources that do not support the interpretation Can write an argument that analyses the extent & weight of support for the named interpretation Can write an argument that analyses the extent & weight of support for alternative interpretations Can use the provenance of each author to evaluate the weight of the evidence provided by the sources, using contextual knowledge to ask questions about the authors, their likely purpose, their different audiences and their respective tones Can sustain a well-supported argument about the extent to which the sources do support the named interpretation and come to a judgement which is consistent with the arguments made throughout the answer. Key B quality A quality

24 Qb Critical Ingredients
Reference to and use of all four sources – Your answer should be SOURCE LED Grouping the sources – Those that agree/disagree, common themes Use of some own knowledge – but remember this is a source paper so you must not let own knowledge dominate and turn your answer into a general essay Some evaluation of the worth of the sources/weight of the evidence throughout your answer ‘To what extent’ or ‘How far’ questions require a judgement, probably as you conclude, as to the extent of the agreement / disagreement e.t.c.

25 Qb Recommended Route Short introduction Get focused
Arguments against the interpretation in the question quotes, cross reference, evaluation, own knowledge look for themes to help group the sources ‘There are sources that disagree with the interpretation…….’ Arguments in support of the assertion in the question ‘Other sources show clear disagreement with the interpretation………’ Conclusion ‘To what extent’ – Look back at the question – use the language of the question. ‘In conclusion it is clear that the sources do/do not support the interpretation that..

26 Qb - A Practice – January 2011
Use your knowledge to assess how far the sources support the interpretation that Piedmontese ambition was the main reason for the failure of the revolutions of On the question paper highlight the INTERPRETATION named in this question. Use one colour to highlight or underline any material in the sources that SUPPORTS this interpretation. Use other colours to highlight or underline any material in the sources that is AGAINST this interpretation (and better still group by which interpretation each does support).

27 Which bits can you use selectively?
FACTORS Knowledge The divided nature of Italy, its people and its revolutionaries; the lack of one strong leader or a ‘united front’ Separate states; N – S divide; localism; parochial attitudes; Sicily wanting independence from Naples ; different ideas for a future (e.g. republicanism – Mazzini); poor leadership of Charles Albert The attitude of the Pope in 1848 Pope Pius IX issued the Allocution in April 1848, condemning the war with and calling on the people to obey their rightful rulers – this further divided the loyalties of Italians many of whom looked to the Pope for leadership The revolutions didn’t win support from the majority of the people Most provisional governments during the revolutions missed the opportunity to pursue policies which would have been popular with the peasants e.t.c. How Austria proved to be too powerful (the individual states were too weak to fight on their own) Defeat of Piedmont in 1848 at Custoza and 1849 at Novara. Generalship of Radetsky; Restoration of rulers in Central Duchies (P.M.T.) in 1849 The lack of foreign help / international allies Charles Albert boasted ‘Italia fara da se’ but Italy too weak to make herself without foreign help; the only other power to intervene in was France which sent troops to crush the Roman Republic in 1849. Which bits can you use selectively?

28 Qb - B Practice – January 2011
Use your knowledge to assess how far the sources support the interpretation that Piedmontese ambition was the main reason for the failure of the revolutions of Now think about who wrote these sources and who they wrote them to. Was the content expected to be read by the public at the time or was it intended for the recipient’s eyes only? Come to conclusions about the purpose of each author and the relative worth of what each wrote as evidence for interpretation X. Think about specific bits of OWN KNOWLEDGE that help you to judge the worth of each source.

29 Qb – Intro / Grouping These sources support the interpretation that Piedmontese ambition was one of the reasons for the failure of the revolutions of This is very evident in Source A, and can be implied from Sources C and D. However this group of sources suggest other reasons for the failure of these revolutions. Source B, supported by A, suggests that a lack of unity between the Italians was crucial, whilst C suggests Charles Albert’s poor leadership of Piedmont may have been more important than his ambitions. Finally all of C, D and E point to the fact that the Austrian army and Austrian generalship were both superior to that of Piedmont. Highlight the parts of each source that support these reasons See word document for completed answer

30 Now it’s your turn June 2013 qb You have 65 MINUTES to read, plan and complete your answer

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