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African-American Inventors

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1 African-American Inventors

2 invented If a person invented something, he or she made a new thing that did not exist before. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. What would your life be like if the light bulb had not been invented?

3 design A design is a plan for how something should be made.
Here is my design for a new doll house. Have you ever drawn a design for something you then built or made?

4 products Products are things made by people or machines.
This candy store sells many different chocolate products. What are some products you use?

5 instrument An instrument is a tool or machine made for a special purpose. This microscope is an excellent instrument for looking at plant cells. What kind of instruments do you use?

6 powerful If something is powerful, it is very strong.
A powerful wind knocked over some trees. Name a word that means the opposite of powerful.

7 allowed Allowed means let happen, or made something able to happen.
The invention of airplanes allowed people to travel farther and faster. What are some things that have allowed you to do things you wanted to do?

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