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EUEREK: Entrepreneurial universities for the Europe of knowledge

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1 EUEREK: Entrepreneurial universities for the Europe of knowledge
Dr Paul Temple, Coordinator, Institute of Education, University of London November 2004

2 summary of aims of project
examine organisational changes in European universities develop explanatory theoretical framework consider how moves towards “entrepreneurialism” in universities have affected knowledge production and transfer

3 project partners Institute of Education, University of London (Coordinator) (UK) Stockholm School of Economics (SE) University of Turku (FI) Polytechnic University of Valencia (ES) IIEP, UNESCO Adam Mickiewicz University (PL) Moscow Higher School of Economics (RU) Moldova State University (MD)

4 main expected outputs (1)
improved theoretical understanding of universities’ contribution to knowledge society analysis of national higher education policies, as they affect these contributions case studies of institutions and policies focused on contributions to knowledge society

5 main expected outputs (2)
consultancy process to disseminate findings report for policy makers with recommendations for higher education structures and processes

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