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Improving the economic and social well being of the city

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Presentation on theme: "Improving the economic and social well being of the city"— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving the economic and social well being of the city
Using capital resources and ‘Innovative Coventry’

2 Issues facing Coventry
Reducing Government revenue support Low Council tax base Constrained boundaries Few strategic brown- field sites Surrounded by extensive areas of Greenbelt Inward commuter migration Poor retail provision Opportunities for development on the boundary

3 Constrained boundaries

4 Cross-border co-operation
Tight boundaries mean closer working with neighbours Benefits to city and the surrounding shires Strengthening the city at the heart of the sub-region Developments - Ansty Park - Gateway - Warwick University Strategic transport infrastructure NUCKLE project A46/A45 improvement programme

5 Long term strategy Use EU funding, LEP grants and prudential borrowing to : Grow business rates Increase Council Tax revenue Regenerate the city centre

6 Kickstarting new business district
Friargate –new Council offices Reuse sites of existing Council offices in city centre Improved public realm Major improvement to Rail Station and wider transport Hub

7 Friargate – New Office Business District

8 City Centre City Centre South Coventry University expansion
Improving the public realm Purpose built student accommodation

9 Driving footfall Sports Centre and Water Park
Capitalise on culture, heritage and tourism Business tourism – city centre hotels and conference facilities

10 Housing and jobs Jobs growth – JLR and Geely Increased house building
Growing the city population and Council tax base

11 Innovative Coventry Broadband infrastructure, 4G and WiFi
Inteligent Mobility - driverless vehicles Heatline district energy £50m Coventry Investment Fund Coventry Cloud Energy data management and sharing

12 Smart city Huge potential for collobrative growth
Holistic approach to regeneration and infrastructure really packs a punch More visitors and increased spend Housing and jobs Cross-border co-operation Smart city Increased council tax & business rates revenue New business district

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