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Conference at the University of Glasgow

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1 Conference at the University of Glasgow
’The Baltic States: New Europe or Old?’ Conference at the University of Glasgow 22-23 January 2004 This conference has been organised to mark the expected accession of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to the European Union and NATO during Although portrayed by their leaders as intrinsically western and European, the Baltic States and the peoples inhabiting them still remain something of an unknown quantity from the perspective of existing EU and NATO member countries. How have European developments (political, social, economic, cultural, intellectual, civilian, military) shaped the evolution of nation and statehood in the Eastern Baltic during the modern era? Conversely, how have developments within the Baltic lands impacted upon Europe and its relations with the wider world? By addressing these questions, the conference will assess the possible future contribution of the three countries to an enlarged Euro-Atlantic area. Papers have been organised into the following panels: The Evolution of Baltic Nation and Statehood; The Baltic States and the Integration of Europe: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives; Minority Rights in the Inter-war Period; Language, Identity and Culture; Experiences of World War and Occupation; The Baltic States in Power Politics; The Baltic States and the Euro-Atlantic Area; Post-Communist Political and Social Transition; National Identity and Foreign Policy; Regional Security and Cross-Border Cooperation; Plenary Session. The Conference has been organised by the Department of Central and East European Studies and the Glasgow Baltic Research Unit, in association with Glasgow City Council. Conference fee: £30 for two days (includes conference materials, lunch and refreshments, with a Civic Reception for participants at the Glasgow City Chambers on 22 January). For preliminary programme, registration form and other information, see: Or contact: Dr David Smith, Glasgow Baltic Research Unit, Department of Central and East European Studies, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8RS Tel: 44 (0) ; fax: 44 (0) ;

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