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Careers in Criminal Investigation

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1 Careers in Criminal Investigation
Vocabulary 1B Careers in Criminal Investigation

2 Efface (verb) Def: To wipe out; to keep oneself from being noticed
Sent: The murderer attempted to efface all traces of blood from the crime scene. Syn: blot out, erase, obliterate, expunge

3 Muddle (verb and noun) Def:(v): to make a mess of; to get by; to muddle through Def: (n): a hopeless mess Sent:(v): The new employee muddled the investigation by walking through the crime scene. Sent:(n): The muddle began after the evidence bag was labelled incorrectly. Syn: (v) jumble, mess up (n) confusion, disorder Ant: (n) orderliness, tidiness, neatness

4 Opinionated (adj) Def: Stubborn and often unreasonable in holding on to one’s ideas; having a closed mind Sent: Few people enjoyed working with Lynne because she was so opinionated about politics. She refused to even listen to any other views. Syn: obstinate, pigheaded, inflexible Ant: open-minded; reasonable

5 Perennial (adj and noun)
Def:(adj) lasting for a long time; persistent Def: (n) a plant that lives for many years Sent:(adj) Coffee is the perennial favorite for investigators who work long hours. Sent:(n) The weapon was located near a garden of perennials. Syn: (adj) enduring Ant: (adj) brief, short-lived, fleeting, ephemeral

6 Predispose (verb) Def: To incline to beforehand Sent:Unfortunately, living in a neighborhood with many gangs predisposes kids to join one. Syn: make susceptible to Ant: immunize against, shield from

7 Relinquish (verb) Def: To let go; to give up Sent: Doctor Lee had to relinquish his job as a blood stain analysist after his eyesight began to fail. Syn: surrender Ant: hold on to, keep, retain, cling to

8 Salvage (verb and noun)
Def: (v) to save from fire or shipwreck Def: (n) property thus saved Sent: (v) Detective Perry salvaged one piece of clothing that led to the arrest and conviction of the suspect. Sent:(n) Salvage from the boat was inspected for evidence. It was then put up for auction. Syn: (v) rescue, recover, retrieve, reclaim Ant: (v) abandon, scrap, junk

9 Spasmodic (adjective)
Def: Sudden and violent but brief; fitful; intermittent Sent: Spasmodic thunder, lightning and rain made collecting shoe impressions at the crime scene difficult. Syn: irregular, occasional Ant: steady, continuous, chronic

10 Spurious (adjective) Def: Not genuine; not true; not valid Sent:The witness made false, spurious statements and was charged with perjury. Syn: false; counterfeit, fraudulent, bogus Ant: genuine, authentic, bona fide, valid

11 Unbridled (adjective)
Def: Uncontrolled; lacking in restraint Sent: Unbridled greed often leads to criminal activity. Syn: unrestrained, unchecked Ant: restrained, held in check, muted

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