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Your PhD what next? Bitesize…

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Presentation on theme: "Your PhD what next? Bitesize…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your PhD what next? Bitesize…
Sarah Longwell, Careers Adviser Your PhD what next? Bitesize…

2 This session The concept of a career The nature of career narrative
What you want from your career Career theory and its application Resources for follow up This session


4 What is a career?

5 ‘A career is a sequence of employment-related positions, roles, activities and experiences encountered by a person.’ John Arnold, Managing Careers into the 21st Century.

6 ‘(A career is…) the period that spans all the working years of our life. A career can go through many changes but we only get one. Everything we experience while we work takes place under the umbrella of our career. Seeing your career as a single entity allows you to interpret your relationship with work at a personal level. Exploring your individual relationship with work – especially through your values, talents and goals – gives you every chance of making it a success.’ Paul Diamond, Explore Your Career.

7 career noun 1 one's professional life; one's progress in one's job
career noun 1 one's professional life; one's progress in one's job. 2 a job, occupation or profession. 3 one's progress through life generally. 4 a swift or headlong course. verb (careered, careering) intrans to rush in an uncontrolled or headlong way. ETYMOLOGY: 16c: from French carrière racecourse, from Latin carriara carriage road, from carrus wagon.

8 What do we mean by this? Non academic careers

9 Taking your skills, knowledge, interests and/or expertise developed through research into a role that is not that of a traditional academic. Non-academic careers

10 Consider: Influences Drivers Academic profile Interests Satisfaction Threads running through Shifts/changes Attitude Case Studies

11 What is your career narrative?

12 What do you need from your career?

13 Career Anchors – Working in pairs, select 5 needs and rank them
Career Anchors – Working in pairs, select 5 needs and rank them. Be prepared to discuss these needs in a way that: Describes these needs Articulates why these needs are important to you Highlights implications for your next step Prioritise your needs

14 Schein’s career anchors
See me for additional materials Schein’s career anchors

15 Reflections on being an academic
Consider the questions. Reflections on being an academic

16 Traditional career theories
Parsons 1909 People perform best when they are in jobs best suited to their abilities Matching of career to talents, skills and personality Assumes understanding of self, knowledge of the job market and making a rational relationship between the two Traditional career theories

17 Traditional career theories
Holland, 1966 A belief in person-environment fit Based upon personality types and assumed characteristics of attitudes and skills Personality types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional. Traditional career theories

18 Alternative theories Gottfredson, 1996
Developmental theory embracing the impact of gender, race and social class Explores the elimination of vocational options as the self image is shaped Alternative theories

19 Super, 1953 Career choice as a process rather than an event Vocational choice is a match between the vocational self and the world of work Consideration of life stages and environmental factors. Acknowledges individuals may have characteristics appropriate for a range of career roles and emphasis may not be on a paid role. Newer theories

20 Newest theories Krumboltz, 1999, Planned Happenstance
‘Predictions are very difficult when they are about the future’, Neils Bohr, Danish Physicist Recognises the limitations of career planning in a complex and changing world but advocates the need to learn, create networks and opportunities, be flexible and plan with contingencies… Newest theories

21 Newest theories Bright, The Chaos Theory of Careers:
D4 Thoughts? Newest theories

22 Application of these theories
Let’s explore an academic career… Application of these theories

23 (See me for additional materials) theory-models/ for-researchers Read: Swanson and Fouad, Career Theory and Practice, Sage Publications o Theory follow up

24 Thank you and evaluation
Thank you and evaluation

25 Your feedback is important!
We want to know your thoughts on the session! Please fill in the short questionnaire on the table and provide valued feedback Once done drop the form in the box Thank you!

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