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Eva Repiso Menendez Growth and hydrogenation of Sb/N materials for high efficiency mid-IR LEDs in pollutant gas detection.

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Presentation on theme: "Eva Repiso Menendez Growth and hydrogenation of Sb/N materials for high efficiency mid-IR LEDs in pollutant gas detection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eva Repiso Menendez Growth and hydrogenation of Sb/N materials for high efficiency mid-IR LEDs in pollutant gas detection

2 Personal background Bachelor in Physics Oviedo University 4 months in Italian National Laboratory TASC Project: Self-assisted n-type GaAs nanowires grown by MBE M. Orru, E. Repiso et al. Adv. Funct. Mater. 26, (2016)

3 Masters in Energies and Fuels for the future
Personal background Masters in Energies and Fuels for the future Autonoma Univeristy of Madrid 6 months part time in Crystal Growth Laboratory Project: Simulation and growth in volume of CdZnTe single crystals CrysMAS simulation of a Vertical Gradient Freeze furnace

4 WP 4 – Materials for environment. (Eva Lancs. , Mario Mont
WP 4 – Materials for environment (Eva Lancs., Mario Mont., Davide Nott.) Growth and hydrogenation of Sb/N materials for high efficiency mid-IR LEDs in pollutant gas detection Motivation for MIR LEDs gas detection CH4, CO2, CO…. - environmental pollution monitoring - optical gas sensing - chemical process control - medical diagnosis

5 Background – Mid-IR LEDs
Mid-IR LED output power Background – Mid-IR LEDs Main challenges Auger, SRH non-radiative recombination Optical extraction Approaches Sb nanostructures QW & QD Dilute N LED based CO2 gas sensor GSS Ltd.

6 I-V, EL & PL Spectroscopy
Experimental Techniques – skills acquired MBE growth XRD & PL Device Processing I-V, EL & PL Spectroscopy (4-300 K) Modelling Nextnano Top contact Etching Bottom contact Mounting

7 InAsSb/InAlAs type-I MQW
Results InAsSb/InAlAs type-I MQW Band diagram at 0 K Sample structure I-V measurements of LEDs Electroluminescence with temperature CO2 absorption

8 InAsSb/InAlAs MQW Hydrogenated
Results InAsSb/InAlAs MQW Hydrogenated 90 K Electroluminescence dependence on hydrogenation dose 300 K Electroluminescence dependence on hydrogenation dose CO2 absorption CO2 absorption

9 InAsSb/InAlAs MQW Hydrogenated
Results InAsSb/InAlAs MQW Hydrogenated 90K Electroluminescence dependence on hydrogenation dose Peak intensity Peak wavelength

10 Results InSb/InAs type-II QDs InSb deposition time determines QDs size
InAs cap temperature influences size and intermixing + InAs cap Mono Layers of QDs from XRD InAs InSb QDs

11 Summary LEDs grown containing strained InAs0.90Sb0.10 QWs Characterisation shows EL up to RT First hydrogenated mid-IR LEDs PL samples grown containing InSb QDs Shift in λ emission due to the cold cap Work in progress Effects of the cold cap on QDs morphology and defects TEM at UCA (Atif Khan) Hydrogenation at Sapienza University -Rome Band engineering InAsSb/InAlAs enables better targeting the λ Dilute N MBE

12 Skills acquired Device Characterization Processing
MBE growth III-V Sample Characterization XRD Photoluminescence Processing Lithography Thermal evaporator Etching Mounting and bonding Device Characterization I-V measurements Electroluminescence Power measurements Nextnano modelling

13 1st WebEx meeting (March 2016)
Outputs Talks at Networks 1st WebEx meeting (March 2016) Growth and hydrogenation of Sb/N materials for high efficiency mid-IR LEDs in pollutant gas detection Speaker: Eva Repiso b) Talk at PROMIS conference (Cadiz, April 2016) InSb QDs for high efficiency mid-IR LEDs Posters a) 19th International MBE conference (Montpellier, Sept. 2016) InSb QDs for mid-IR LEDs Authors: E. Repiso, P. J. Carrington, A. Marshall, Q. Lu and A.Krier Outreach Webcast on Photonics Day of Photonics, photos through Twitter

14 Future aspirations Publish high impact papers; Present talks at international conferences; Mirsens 4th (May 2017) UK semiconductors (June 2017) SPIE optics+photonics (August 2018) 20th International MBE conference (Sept 2018) Postdoc Fellowship application Academic/Industry career

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