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1.4 Managing people Recruitment, selection and training

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1 1.4 Managing people 1.4.2 Recruitment, selection and training
Theme 1: Marketing and people How do staff flow in to a business? How do staff flow out of a business? 1.4 Managing people Recruitment, selection and training Edexcel Business

2 Theme 1: Marketing & People
This theme enables students to understand how businesses identify opportunities and to explore how businesses focus on developing a competitive advantage through interacting with customers. Students develop an understanding of how businesses need to adapt their marketing to operate in a dynamic business environment. This theme also considers people, exploring how businesses recruit, train, organise and motivate employees, as well as the role of enterprising individuals and leaders. 1.4 Managing people Subject content 1.4.2 Recruitment, selection and training What students need to learn: a) Recruitment and selection process: internal versus external recruitment b) Costs of recruitment, selection and training c) Types of training: induction on-the-job off-the-job

3 Recruitment Recruitment is the steps undertaken by a business to identify a vacancy and attract suitable candidates Selection is the actions taken by a business to help identify the best candidate for a job

4 Recruitment Process A vacancy arises
Job description written or revised, based on job analysis Person specification or job profile written Decision – internally or externally? Advertisements drawn up. Advertising media? Application forms issued and/or CVs and letters of application requested Shortlisting takes place Interviews are held, assessment and interviews take place Selection takes place and someone is appointed

5 Internal Recruitment Internal recruitment occurs when candidates for a position are recruited from within the organisation. To what extent should internal candidates be considered, against external candidates, for all leadership roles? Benefits include: Lower recruitment costs Improved promotion prospects Known abilities of candidates Quicker process Shorter induction period Disadvantages include: Reduces talent available Limits the number of applicants Can cause friction between internal candidates

6 External Recruitment External recruitment occurs when candidates for a position are recruited from outside of the organisation. Benefits include: Increases the talent available Increases the number of applicants Can provide new sources of ideas to the company Disadvantages include: Higher recruitment costs May upset internal candidates that have been overlooked Not able to see candidates at work over a period of time Sometimes added incentives are needed to attract candidates. Can you think of any other examples where a skills shortage leads to a golden hello?

7 Selecting the best Employees

8 Selecting the best Employees
Interviews – Alec Rodger’s Seven Point Plan The Seven Point Plan is a way of carrying out selection interviews: Physical make-up – health, appearance, speech Attainments – education, training, experience Intelligence – ability to learn, analyse and evaluate situations Aptitudes – special skills e.g. maths, IT Interests – social, active, intellectual Disposition – humour, maturity, independence Circumstances – geographical mobility and availability Rodger’s distinguished between ‘essential’ and ‘desirable’. For a taxi driver it is essential that they hold a driving licence but only desirable that they have passed an advanced driving course.

9 Costs of recruitment, selection and training
Before reading this article how much do you think it costs to recruit one employee on a salary of £40000? The True Cost of Recruitment Costs of recruitment may include: Time drawing up job descriptions and person specifications (if these do not already exist) Placing advertisements in newspapers or journals Fees paid to a recruitment consultancy Costs of selection may include: Managers time shortlisting and interviewing Candidate expenses if reimbursed for interviews Fees paid to assessment centres Costs of training may include: Productivity time lost by employee receiving training Productivity time lost by a second employee if training is provided in house Fees paid to an external training provider plus employees travel costs

10 Training Methods of training include:
On-the–job where an employee learns in the workplace from experienced employees Off-the–job which is any form of education that takes place outside of the workplace Induction which is introductory training for employees new to an organisation

11 In pairs Complete the table below to show the possible advantages and disadvantages of on-the-job and off-the-job training Advantages Disadvantages On-the-job Off-the-job Should teacher training be provided on-the-job or off-the-job? Teacher training summer school cancelled over costs

12 1.4.2 Recruitment, selection and training
In this topic you have learnt about Recruitment and selection process: internal versus external recruitment Costs of recruitment, selection and training Types of training: Induction on-the-job off-the-job

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