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What does it mean to you to “fulfill your civic responsibility?”

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1 What does it mean to you to “fulfill your civic responsibility?”
Bell Ringer: What does it mean to you to “fulfill your civic responsibility?”

2 Unit 2: Civic Responsibility
Family Dynamics Unit 2: Civic Responsibility Revised Frameworks 2015

3 Unit 2 Vocab: Match terms related to civic responsibilities
1. citizen – a person who formally owes allegiance to a government. In return, he or she gains rights and responsibilities that are protected by the laws of the government 2. ecology – the study of the relationship between living things and their environment

4 3. environment – a person’s surroundings and everything in them, including both human and non-human factors 4. patriotism – love for one’s country

5 5. responsibility- an obligation or duty for which a person is held accountable
6. rights-special privilege, benefit, or personal favor for which one is entitled 7. selective service – serving in one of the branches of armed service

6 8. tax – a mandatory payment made by an individual or organization to the government for public needs 9. volunteer- to willingly agree to perform a task or service to others without pay 10. voting – a formal expression of choice in some matter, often expressed by a written ballot

7 2.1 Examine rights and responsibilities of citizenship
OBJECTIVES: Name the individual rights and responsibilities as a citizen Assess the need for citizens to be concerned with ecology Analyze ways taxes are used to fund public services Demonstrate accepted etiquette for symbols of organizations, community, or national designation, exploring the concept of patriotism.

8 2.1.1 Identify rights and responsibilities of citizenship
REVIEW Citizens’ rights as listed in the Bill of Rights: Vote for government representatives Express your opinion freely and publicly Receive an education Travel freely within the country Receive a fair and speedy trial Enjoy equal protection under the law regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity

9 Citizens’ responsibilities: Stay informed Provide leadership Obey laws
Know about issues that affect the community Provide leadership Join clubs and organizations Obey laws Control crime Begin with the home by discouraging crime Get involved Neighborhood Watch Care for the environment

10 2.1.2 State citizens responsibilities toward ecology
The environment don’t litter recycle respect public facilities respect public property ACTIVITY: Come up with a group project that would help our community and environment. How would you follow through with it, etc.

11 Bell Ringer: Why do you think our government collects taxes? Do you agree or disagree, and why?

12 2.1.3 List reasons for taxes Support the military Health care
Upkeep of roads and highways Pay for education National security Local security fire, police

13 2.1.3 Activity Research and write a report on an area of public service that is paid for by local tax. Include the following: (area of service, specific services provided, any charges that users are required to pay, How a person becomes eligible for the community service).

14 Bell Ringer: What suggestion would you make to our government about how they should collect and disperse tax funding? After you answer this, finish your report and turn it in.

15 Bell Ringer: Turn in your report. Make sure your name is on it.
How do you display your patriotism?

16 D:\Unit 4\RedSkeltonsPledgeOfAllegiance1969.avi

17 Demonstrate accepted etiquette for symbols of organizations, community, or national designation, exploring the concept of patriotism Research the proper etiquette for each of the following: 1. Pledge of allegiance 2. Flag care and presentation 3. National anthem 4. School alma mater 5. Symbols of organizations 6. Community organizations

18 2.1.4 State appropriate behaviors regarding the Pledge of Allegiance, flag presentation, and singing of the National Anthem and school alma mater The Pledge of Allegiance should be rendered by standing at attention and facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform men should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag, and render the military salute.

19 Flag Presentation See Flag History PowerPoint
(Flag Codes) (For Patriotic Customs) ACTIVITY: Your group is going to create a classroom Flag. The group will then come up with 10 Flag Codes for the Classroom Flag. To be turned in for points.

20 When the National Anthem is played or sung, citizens should stand at attention and salute at the first note and hold the salute through the last note. The salute is directed to the flag, if displayed, otherwise to the music. Students should stand and sing when the school alma mater is played.

21 2.1.4 ACTIVITY Our class is going to host a Mock Election
You may run for one of the following: Class President Class Vice-President Class Secretary You will need to create a poster explaining why you are the person for the job. These will be pinned on the wall until election day.

22 What do you think is the best way to influence our government?
Bell Ringer: People express their opinions of how our government officials lead our country in many different ways. What do you think is the best way to influence our government?

23 Bell Ringer: 1. Who do you think would be the best President of the US out of the candidates running for the position? 2. Turn in your BW for this week.

24 2.2 State ways individuals and families influence government
OBJECTIVES: 2.2.1 Research Arkansas Voting requirements and procedures, including the requirement for selective service registration 2.2.2 Investigate local and state public officials to determine their stand on issues of interest

25 Ways individuals and families influence government:
voting letter writing boycotting protesting campaigning ACTIVITY: Write a letter to your governor about an issue you feel needs attention.

26 Research AR State requirements for voting
1. What are Arkansas's voter registration requirements? 2. When do I need to register to vote? 3. Where do I go to register?

27 2.2.1 State requirements for voting
What are Arkansas's voter registration requirements? To vote in Arkansas, you must be a U.S. citizen at least 18 years of age. You must also be an Arkansas resident and must not claim the right to vote in any other county or state. When do I need to register to vote? Registration is available year round in Arkansas. However, in order to be eligible to vote in a particular election, but you must apply to register at least 30 days before that election. Where do I go to register? Registration is available at many places in Arkansas, including: County clerk's office Libraries Colleges City offices Many other public buildings

28 Selective Service Go to:

29 Research AR state requirements for selective service registration
Who must register? How do you register?

30 2.2.1 State requirements for selective service registration
Who must register? With few exceptions, all male US citizens and male aliens residing in the US and its territories must register within the period starting 30 days before and ending 30 days after, their 18th birthday. How do you register? Visit the nearest US Post Office, pick up a registration form, complete and sign it, and hand it to the postal clerk. The clerk will check the form against some type of identification, such as a driver’s license. You are not officially registered until you receive a registration acknowledgement from Selective Service. You should receive notice within 90 days.

31 2.2.2 Investigate local and state public officials to determine their stand on issues of interest
You will need to research one Presidential Candidate and write a brief summary (1 page) about their stand on different issues.

32 Get a study guide from the BELL WORK tray on the middle table.
Bell Ringer: Get a study guide from the BELL WORK tray on the middle table.

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