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Introduction and aims Supports libraries by providing a single point of access to e-journal usage data Assists management of e-journals collections to.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction and aims Supports libraries by providing a single point of access to e-journal usage data Assists management of e-journals collections to."— Presentation transcript:

1 JUSP: a shared approach to measuring usage Angela Conyers and Jo Lambert 5th June 2013, QQML2013

2 Introduction and aims Supports libraries by providing a single point of access to e-journal usage data Assists management of e-journals collections to inform evaluation and decision-making processes Enables usage comparisons and trend analysis

3 JUSP is used for: regular reporting and decision making
“We are now able to provide better intelligence on collection use to subject librarians and we can do that quickly now rather than say “we haven’t got time” or “sorry or it’s too late” and it’s saving us the possibility of renewing things that we shouldn’t.” Open University

4 JUSP is used for: informing resource allocation decisions
“It has also helped us better understand the research profile of our institution which in turn informs decisions over resource allocation. For example, we may have a high profile academic who heavily used a particular resource but the resource had relatively low usage other than this user. If this academic leaves the institution the money for this could be better utilised elsewhere. The data we get from JUSP can help us identify the ever changing research profile of the institution.” Birkbeck, University of London

5 JUSP is used for: making effective use of staff time
“Collating SCONUL stats in the past took several weeks to download data, put into spreadsheets, and collate (sometimes had to request data and wait for it to be done by publisher as not all publishers are instantly presenting their statistics). I would estimate a saving of a third of the time it previously took as approximately a third of our journals for the SCONUL return are in JUSP.” University of Leicester


7 Who?

8 Partnership – libraries and publishers
Delivering a service to the community Collaboration and co-development in conjunction with libraries Working with publishers to provide enhanced customer service

9 Standards and interoperability
COUNTER SUSHI Interoperability KB+ ERM systems RAPTOR-JUse

10 Benefits of a national shared service
Reduced time and effort Economies of scale Data to ensure the best national deals for the academic community Quality Assurance Influencing change, e.g COUNTER

11 A shared approach Global market for publishers
All libraries have to collect together usage statistics before starting the task of analysis Universal standards COUNTER has ensured a consistent approach to usage reporting Saving time and effort for library staff Giving more time for actual analysis and value for money Avoiding need to approach publishers directly to sort out discrepancies

12 Developing JUSP for different markets
Responding to interest in JUSP Awareness of same issues being faced Expertise and enthusiasm of the JUSP team

13 Pilot projects Individual libraries An overseas university
University of Western Australia UK government libraries Defence Science & Technology Laboratory (DSTL)

14 How did we start? Identifying publishers of interest to pilot sites from those participating in JUSP and supplying data via SUSHI Advising pilot sites on ways of approaching publishers to obtain agreement for JUSP to act as a third party agent on their behalf Setting up password access to JUSP once agreements in place

15 University of Western Australia (UWA) one of Australia’s leading universities

16 Feedback from UWA “JUSP will remove the need to manually collate statistics for some of our most important resources. As such, it will make the ongoing process of collection evaluation easier. We anticipate that JUSP will be part of a range of solutions to help us automate the gathering of usage statistics”. Scott Nicholls, Manager (Information Resources Access), University of Western Australia.

17 Defence Science & Technology Laboratory (DSTL) maximising the impact of science and technology on UK defence and security

18 Feedback from DSTL “With JUSP I know I can pull out the right data. I know I can just log in and get reports instantly. JUSP takes out the pain and the time for pulling together the data and producing reports”. Karen Ball, Information Specialist, DSTL

19 Couperin: MESURE

20 Working with an overseas library consortium
Couperin French university consortium negotiating with publishers for e-resources on behalf of over 200 university and research council members JUSP team provided technical support and general advice to Couperin on the initial setting up of: MESURE – usage statistics portal with its own interface and reports.


22 IRUS-UK Institutional Repository Usage Statistics for content downloaded from participating UK repositories

23 Combining the skills and expertise behind JUSP (Journal Usage Statistics)and IRUS-UK (Institutional Repository Usage Statistics)

24 JUSPConsult

25 Consultancy, advisory and support services
Justification Advice on building the case for a usage statistics portal, costs and efficiency gains Implementation Assistance with building a platform, providing a hosted service or meeting individual requirements Analysis and interpretation Usage data analysis, requirements gathering and presentation

26 Next steps Open Source software Sharing knowledge and ideas
Advice and consultancy

27 Contact details Web: Email:

28 Questions?

29 Images

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