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#6 Learning Groups Aka Cooperative Learning

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1 #6 Learning Groups Aka Cooperative Learning
Marzano’s #6 Learning Groups Aka Cooperative Learning

2 Why Utilize Cooperative Groups?
Students who work in cooperative Groups out perform those that don’t (Johnson et al, 1981; Walberg, 1999)

3 Cooperative Learning Organizing students into instructional groups
Recommended 3-5 students per group Adding competition among groups does not increase achievement 3 ways to group students Informal – turn to your neighbor, pair-share; USE- check homework Formal – structured, extended assignment; USE- project (teacher ensures all 5 elements are included) Base – long term (qtr./ yr.), designed to give students a support system, build camaraderie and create teamwork. Works well with complicated, multistep processes. Allows students to give each feedback and identify strengths and weaknesses. USE – Lab experiments, writing process.

4 Cooperative Learning There are 5 elements of cooperative learning
Positive interdependence – a sense of sink or swim together Face-to-face promotive interaction – helping each other learn individual and group accountability Interpersonal and small group skills – communication, trust, leadership, decision making and conflict resolution Group processing – reflecting on how well the group is functioning and how to function better

5 Tools for facilitating Cooperative learning
Rubrics can be used to measure students’ progress and for students to use as part of the self-assessment process. Rubrics for Students can be found on pages for the five elements that represent the most important 21st century skills for our students: Marzano, R. (2001) A Handbook For Classroom Instruction That Works. Alexandria, VA: McREL.

6 And finally… These are free make-your-own-rubric sites

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