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Millennium Goals Project: Gender Equality

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1 Millennium Goals Project: Gender Equality
Shannon Finnearty, Anna Smoot, Caroline Kiley, Matt Bratovich

2 What is your millennium Goal?
-To promote gender equality and empower women -Focus on eliminating inequality in the education system -2005:primary and secondary education -2015:all levels of education -Also evident in labor force, gaps in poverty, & participation in government -Especially prevalent in the Middle East Shannon

3 Why is this goal important?
The UN listed 7 priorities related to gender equality: Strengthen opportunities for post primary education Guarantee sexual and reproductive health rights invest in infrastructure to women's’ time burdens Guarantee women’s and girls’ property and inheritance rights Shannon

4 Why is this goal important (con’t)
5. Eliminate gender inequality in employment by decreasing women’s reliance on informal employment, closing gender gaps in earnings, and reducing occupational segregation 6. Increase women’s share of seats in national parliaments and local government bodies. 7.Combat violence against girls and women Shannon

5 Countries that make up this region
Anna CIA World Factbook

6 who is impacted by this problem?

7 who is impacted by this problem?

8 who is impacted by this problem?

9 causes of gender inequality
-The degree of inequality varies from country to country within the region, and its impact depends on the eye of the beholder. -Scarcity of resources tend to make women’s rights the least of concern. Matt

10 Causes of Gender Inequality
-Social constraints in extremist nations tend to give men more personal freedoms. -Lack of female education in select Middle Eastern nations hinder self-improvement of living conditions.

11 proposed solutions (Focused on Empowering women)
-Achieve equality in education which will level the playing field for more changes in other areas of focus -Guarantee sexual and reproductive health and rights -Decrease women’s reliance on informal employment -Close the gap gender gap in earnings -Increase the number of women representative in parliament -Combat violence against women Caroline -Secondary and higher levels of education have the greatest payoff in empowering women -Do this by making school more affordable -building them close to girls’ homes -making them safe -

12 progress: For Western Asia
Equal girls’ enrollment in primary education Earnings equality Women’s equal representation in national parliaments here’s a good story that could tie in.

13 Equal Enrolment in Education
Graph from 2015 UN Millennium Goals report -Green section was the 2015 Target -Blue circles (Primary education: beginning of studies including reading, writing and mathematical skills) -Open circles (Secondary education: This is considered high school education in the US) -Orange circles (Tertiary education: College level education) *Related to the second UN Goal; however,this plays a huge role in achieving gender equality* Caroline

14 Pay equality -estimates have the gender pay gap between 20 and 40 percent -Women in Jordan are paid on average 41 per cent less than men in the private sector and about 28 per cent less in the public sector, the International Labor Organization said in a report released in -A UN report suggests that at the current rates, the pay gap will not close for another 70 years Matt

15 Women’s equal representation in Parliament
20% 17% 20% Anna

16 Women’s equal representation in Parliament
11% 22% 1995 2015

17 Overall... -The problem of gender inequality has significantly improved within the past 15 years -Education is one of the biggest fields that has improved for women throughout the world -There is still much that needs to be done, but we are on the right track!

18 works cited "References :: Regional and World Maps." Central Intelligence Agency. Accessed October 26, 2015. "United Nations Millennium Development Goals." UN News Center. Accessed October 26, 2015. Charrad, Mounira. "Gender in the Middle East: Islam, State, Agency." Annual Review of SociologyVOL 37 (2011): doi: /annurev.soc "A Problem With a Solution." UN Millenium Project. Accessed October 26, Valentine, Moghadam. "Towards Gender Inequality In the Arab/Middle East Region Islam, Culture, and Feminist Activism." Accessed October 26, 2015. "Gender Pay Gap in Middle East between 20-40% | The National." Gender Pay Gap in Middle East between 20-40% | The National. Accessed October 26, 2015.

19 Photos mgds.png?v=1&d= T percent-male-and-92-percent-christian/ ~piPK:216618~theSitePK:244363,00.html

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