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Ukactive National Summit 2014

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1 Ukactive National Summit 2014

2 Steps to Solving Inactivity
Our sector delivers activity services to a large portion of the population in schools, workplaces, leisure centres, health clubs, the outdoors and other settings But we must challenge ourselves to do more. Extend our reach to the people that are completely inactive, and as a consequence, at much greater risk of a wide range of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancers, obesity and mental health conditions including dementia By not supporting the inactive group, and therefore preventing the lifestyle conditions that inactivity fosters, we will end up bankrupting our free National Health Service as we know it.

3 Steps to Solving Inactivity
‘Turning the tide of inactivty’ (2014) UKActive Found a staggering 29% of the people in England are classed as physically inactive. Nearly one in three people fail to achieve 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity in a week Inactivity is the fourth largest cause of disease and disability, directly contributes to one in every six deaths in the UK

4 Steps to Solving Inactivity
Physical Inactivity is now more dangerous than smoking International comparison of populations not meeting recommended levels of physical activity. Steps to Solving Inactivity (2014) Ukactive Inactivity levels in the UK are double those of Germany and France and more than 20 per cent higher than those in the United States

5 Steps to Solving Inactivity
Local authorities have doubled the amount of public health funding that they have allocated to tackling physical inactivity between 2013/14 and 2014/15 70 per cent of local authorities have increased their allocated public health budget spend on physical activity in 2014/15 Spend on inactivity still represents the smallest proportion of public health budgets (four per cent) in comparison to the other top tier public health areas: sexual health (36 per cent), alcohol misuse (30 per cent) and smoking cessation (9 per cent)

6 Workforce Development
'the first stage' of a process which would 're-think, re-assess, and re-invigorate' training and skills development in the leisure sector. Stephen Wilson, Public Affairs Director for ukactive 'a clear need to establish the same credibility for Exercise Professionals that is shared by other Chartered Professions in order to professionalise the sector and fulfil its role as the 'cornerstone of a preventative health system'. CIMSPA's interim CEO Tara Dillon 'employers feel that there has been a decline in the standard of training delivered to key roles within the sector.' "We need employers working together with training providers to understand what is required to improve the level of training provision across the sector," Rob Johnson, CEO of training provider FutureFit

7 Workforce Development
What local / national opportunities are there to promote fitness / physical activity professionals within the sector?

8 Local Commissioning: Where does physical activity fit in?

9 Local Commissioning: Where does physical activity fit in?
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)  provides us with a  process to identify and monitor changes in local health and wellbeing needs and inequalities of the local population which helps inform future service planning across the public sector. The JSNA: Is concerned with wider social factors that have an impact on people’s health and wellbeing, such as housing, poverty and employment. Looks at the health of the population, with a focus on behaviours which affect health such as smoking, diet and exercise. Provides a common view of health and care needs for the local community Identifies health inequalities Provides evidence of effectiveness for different health and care interventions Documents current service provision Identifies gaps in health and care services, documenting unmet needs

10 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment


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