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Quiz Time.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz Time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz Time

2 Slide 1 What are the 6 essential nutrients?

3 Slide 2 How many calories in a pound?

4 Slide 3: What disease is characterized as over-eating? Binge Eating

5 Slide 4 What is an empty Calorie?

6 Slide 5 What nutrient is responsible for the growth, repair and maintenance of body tissue?

7 Slide 6: Name the movie.

8 Slide 7 Explain Nutrient Density- Bulimia Nervosa

9 Slide 8 What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fat?

10 Slide 9 What is the name of the substance produced by the liver that helps digest fat?

11 Slide 10: What is the MOST essential nutrient?

12 Slide 11 Name the five food groups on the Myplate.

13 Slide 12 How many calories per gram are in the following: Protein- Carbohydrates- Fat-

14 Slide 13 What is the difference between simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates? Molecular bonds and digestion time?

15 Slide 14 What is the main energy source for your body?

16 Slide 15 What is the significance of the order of ingredients on an ingredient list?

17 Slide 16: Name the cartoon.

18 Slide 17: What is the difference between LDL and HDL?

19 Slide 18 Name the three different types of carbohydrates?

20 Slide 19 What is the difference between obesity and overweight?

21 Slide 20 What does BMI stand for?

22 Slide 21: Should you eat fats? Explain why?

23 Slide 22 Name 2 minerals and what they do for your body?

24 Slide 23 What does RDA stand for?

25 Slide 24: Name two vitamins and what they do for your body?

26 Click 25 Name three reasons why someone might develop an eating disorder.

27 Quiz Time

28 Slide 1 What are the 6 essential nutrients? Fats Water Protein Vitamins Minerals Carbohydrates

29 Slide 2 How many calories in a pound? 3500

30 Slide 3: What disease is characterized as over-eating? Binge Eating

31 Slide 4 What is an empty Calorie? A calorie with no nutritional value.

32 Slide 5 What nutrient is responsible for the growth, repair and maintenance of body tissue? Protein

33 Slide 6: Name the movie. Good Will Hunting

34 Slide 7 Explain Nutrient Density- A food packed with nutrients and very little calories.

35 Slide 8 What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fat? Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and are unhealthy, unsaturated are liquid at room temperature and are considered healthier.

36 Slide 9 What is the name of the substance produced by the liver that helps digest fat? Bile

37 Slide 10: What is the MOST essential nutrient? Water

38 Slide 11 Name the five food groups on the Myplate. Fruits Vegetables
Protein Dairy Grains

39 Slide 12 How many calories per gram are in the following: Protein- 4 Carbohydrates- 4 Fat- 9

40 Slide 13 What is the difference between simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates? simple sugars v. sugars that have more complex bonds and take more time for the body to digest.

41 Slide 14 What is the main energy source for your body? Carbohydrates

42 Slide 15 What is the significance of the order of ingredients on an ingredient list? Lists most to least of ingredients in the item.

43 Slide 16: Name the cartoon.
Tom and Jerry

44 Slide 17: What is the difference between LDL and HDL?
Cholesterol that clogs your arteries v cholesterol that cleans your arteries.

45 Slide 18 Name the three different types of carbohydrates? Simple sugars, Complex (Starches), and Fiber

46 Slide 19 What is the difference between obesity and overweight? Obesity is a high proportion of fat, and overweight is someone who has more muscle.

47 Slide 20 What does BMI stand for? Body Mass Index

48 Slide 21: Should you eat fats? Explain why?
Yes; needed for certain vitamin absorption, needed for insulation, long term energy, hormone and enzyme regulation, etc.

49 Slide 22 Name 2 minerals and what they do for your body?

50 Slide 23 What does RDA stand for? Recommended Dietary Allowance

51 Slide 24: Name two vitamins and what they do for your body?

52 Slide 25 Name three reasons why someone might develop an eating disorder. Psychological factors- Decreased Self Esteem Lack of control in life Loneliness, depression, anger Interpersonal factors Troubled relationships History of being teased about weight Difficulty expressing emotions and feelings Social factors Cultural pressures that glorify thinness Narrow definition of beauty Society values physical appearance, not inner beauty

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