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Copenhagen 31 January 2008 Wind energy potential in Europe 2020-2030 Methodology Hans Eerens MNP Netherlands.

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Presentation on theme: "Copenhagen 31 January 2008 Wind energy potential in Europe 2020-2030 Methodology Hans Eerens MNP Netherlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copenhagen 31 January 2008 Wind energy potential in Europe Methodology Hans Eerens MNP Netherlands

2 This study Focus EEA-31; Focus on land availability & technology development GIS approach Final results: Wind power density map (based on ECMWF wind fields) - Onshore Offshore Wind energy potential for 2020 and (wind power density combined with wind turbines technology assumptions) Cost-supply curve per country for Analyze effect of restrictions (i.e. NATURA2000/CDDA, social/regulatory) Hans Eerens, Work Programme

3 Wind energy potential What determines the potential of wind energy, both onshore and offshore? Wind resource (m/s), Load Factor; Area availability (km2); Power density of wind park (MW/km2); Potential = Power Density * Available Area * Load Factor Hans Eerens, Work Programme

4 Wind electricity costs
What determines the wind electricity costs? Costs; Isp turbine (f(Rated power); O&M; Installation costs; Overhead costs (concession, Environmental Impact Assessment); Distribution costs (not included); Grid integrated costs (back up, spinning reserve, discarded/storage costs) (not included); Output; Wind resource Other assumptions Interest rate Economic lifetime turbine Hans Eerens, Work Programme

5 Previous global study; land-use constraints
Wind park infrastructure, e.g. roads ar, technical losses Power density (MW km-2) Land-use function (too much interference) Bioreserves (protected) Social constraints Wind regime (unattractive) Altitude (Elevation too high) Urban Area (population too dense) MW Available area (km2) Hoogwijk, Utrecht, 2004 Hans Eerens, Work Programme

6 environmental-compatible wind energy potential
Potential for Renewables… see De Noord et al, Potentials and costs for renewable electricity generation adapted from Andre Wakker, ECN environmental-compatible wind energy potential Theoretical potential ECMWF 40-year reanalyzed, wind speed data (2006), CORINE landcover, workshop 2006/7 recommendations Sensitivities Technical potential e.g. Wind turbine characteristics Realistic potential planning, public acceptance, market barriers, environmental contraints: Lead times, growth rates of technology, scenario assumptions: Climate action scenario EEA Realisable potential Competition with substitutes e.g. fossil Economic potential policies and subsidies, GREEN-X (Environment) model, Technical University Vienna Hans Eerens, Work Programme

7 Theoretical potential
Technical potential Unrestricted Theoretical potential Economic potential Market potential Wind resources Available area Technical conversion factors Environmental and visible constraints Production costs based on social discount rates Production costs competing technologies Increased complexity Onshore constraints: - Economic: exclude areas with low wind speeds, <4 m/s - Environmental/ social: excluding Natura 2000 and other natural designated areas; Offshore constraints: - Economic: excluding areas with low wind speeds, 5 m/s - Technical: excluding very deep sea areas, >50m - Social: a maximum of 4% of offshore areas 0-10 km from coast, 10% of the offshore area at km from coast and 10% of offshore area at km from coast used for wind developments. - Technical: 4% of offshore area >50 km from shore. - Market barrier: As a maximum, 25% of domestic electricity demand can be fulfilled by wind energy, due to system: integration issues Environmentally and socially compatible based on private discount rates Average electricity prices Hans Eerens, Work Programme

8 Wind energy potential ECMWF data from the 40 year reanalyzed data project (finished january 2006): Windspeed (high time (6hr)- and spatial resolution (~22x22km))  scaled to 80 m height, using specific rougness parameters for the CORINE LCD data set (250x250m)  annual average wind speed Combine wind energy density curve with wind turbine assumptions (onshore, ofshore, ) Include cost assumptions wind turbines Combination deliver costs-supply curve for each EU country (onshore) and offshore for countries with a coastal zone. Define potential for subsets (i.e. NATURA2000/CDA, agricultural areas,..) Hans Eerens, Work Programme

9 Assumption: summary results
Hans Eerens, Work Programme

10 Wind energy potential Part 2:
Estimate restricted land-area potential based on bottom-up estimates from Denmark/Netherlands, Germany  generates current wind potential for various CLC/wind classes Use current situation as minimum “saturation values” for wind energy potential for countries with less progress in the use of wind energy Limit potential to 20-25% of electricity use (higher costs assumptions required to facilitate spinning reserve and grid expansion) Hans Eerens, Work Programme

11 Methodology: uncertainties
Check wind field data against measure wind speed (~5000 stations) Volume effects on costs-assumptions (especially should we incorporate global learning effects or European learning effects only) Do we limit wind energy as percentage of electricity generation e.g. 20% at country/european scale Hans Eerens, Work Programme

12 Thank You! Hans Eerens, Work Programme

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