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Stakeholders meeting , 5 July 2007

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1 Stakeholders meeting , 5 July 2007
REACH Implementation Stakeholders meeting , 5 July 2007 Services delivered by the CA to industry Further meetings Dr.Jeanine Ferreira Marques Risk Management Service DG Environment FPS health, Food Chain Safety and Environment

2 I. In essence Services by the CA delivered in the framework of REACH =
All services the CA provided for before REACH (new substances, existing substances, risk reduction,…) + All services imposed to the CA under REACH Focus on - specific substances and dossiers under the competence of the CA and of interests for the BE industry; and - any initiative taken by the CA in the different procedures of REACH

3 Non exhaustive list of services
Explain the transition of the new substance dossiers to REACH to Belgian notifiers, their status, what to do,… Explain the ‘transition’ of the current PORD exemptions to the PPORD exemptions in REACH to Belgian notifiers, their status, what to do,… Questions on the risk assessment and RMM of existing substances for dossiers where the BE CA is in charge, and on the transition of those dossiers Questions on restrictions currently Dir 76/769, the transition to REACH (by June 2009), and specific BE dossiers regarding new restrictions under REACH Questions on dossiers where BE is the evaluating authority (substances evaluation)

4 Non exhaustive list of services
All other dialogue-issues on specific competences and dossiers of the CA for example dialogue and questions on dossiers where BE takes de initiative as CA (e.g. proposals to add substances to the list for authorisations or restrictions); the further legislative work (comitology, etc…); the work in the C’ttees related to specific substances of BE industry interest; check with the CA whether a certain Annex XI waiver in a testing proposal will be supported or not (CA can check testing proposals: MS may propose amendments on the draft decision of the Agency and if there are any it goes to the MSC) C&L Inform the helpdesk actively & passively on positions the CA takes (or is taken on the CA meeting level or similar) when this can be of concern for the answers that the helpdesk may give on certain difficult questions

5 II. Further meetings - Comitology , 05 july ( DG5, Mineco)
AC meeting , september (observer status of Concerned, but not competent Authorities (confidentiality issue) Sub-group AC meetings (Grip/annexes review) - Be sub-group REACH Implementation meeting

6 Thank you!

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