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2 How is time divided up. http://www. dalelkhalil
day BCE seconds weeks minutes months BC years hours AD centuries CE millennia pm am age decades era

3 a. How do we organise dates?
Chronological order (earliest date first on the line) All these dates are in the Common Era (AD). Write them out in chronological order

4 How do we plot dates on a line?
Equal divisions for each time period (eg 100 years, 1 year, 1 century) Put the dates you have organised on a timeline Put the line from the top to the bottom of your page Make each 100 years = 1centimetre What’s wrong with the line below?

5 b. How do we organise all dates chronologically?
When there are dates in BC and AD you need to remember that:- BC dates get smaller the nearer they are to AD period AD dates get larger the nearer they are to the present day Arrange these dates in chronological order AD BC BC AD 1770 AD BC BC BC AD BC

6 How do we organise a timeline for BC and AD?
The line must have a point showing the division between BC and AD Mark BC on the left side of the heavy line and AD on the right side BC AD

7 Your timeline Draw a line 20 centimetres long
Mark the division between BC and AD at the ½ way point (10 centimetres) Put an arrow head on each end of the line Put a small line at each centimetre Each centimetre represents 50 years Mark the years under the line Put the dates on the line accurately BC AD AD245, 250BC, 44BC, AD64, 321BC, AD322,

8 Centuries Sometimes time is divided according to centuries (100 years) To help you recognise the century a particular year falls in, add 1 to the number that the year begins with. Eg = 14 so 1347 is in the 14th century. To place a century on a time line you need to shade the 100 year period. 1st nd 3rd th th centuries Do this on the timeline you have just drawn. Then mark the BC centuries

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