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Commas: Part 2 (Complex, Compound, and Compound-Complex Sentences)

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Presentation on theme: "Commas: Part 2 (Complex, Compound, and Compound-Complex Sentences)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Commas: Part 2 (Complex, Compound, and Compound-Complex Sentences)
Bakersfield College Jessica Wojtysiak Commas: Part 2 (Complex, Compound, and Compound-Complex Sentences)

2 Journal Entry: Inspiring Literate Lives
There are times in our lives when we are inspired. Write about how and why a text (book, movie, article, painting, photograph, essay, etc.) has inspired you to learn more, write more, read more, or live differently.

3 Reviewing Commas I enjoyed reading your essay but I do have some suggestions for revision. , Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction (fanboys) to link 2 independent clauses Formula: IC, one of the fanboys IC

4 Coordinating Conjunctions
F A N B O Y S or nd ut r et o

5 Compound Sentence IC, fanboys IC
You need to attend class, or you will not like your grade. The rain closed the highway, so I missed the concert.

6 Practice In your journal, write a compound sentence.
Share your sentence with a partner.

7 More Comma Review While Jack likes comic books his brother prefers to read novels. , Use a comma to link an introductory dependent clause to an independent clause Formula: DC, IC

8 Complex Sentence DC, IC The DC often includes a subordinating conjunction Because the highway flooded, I missed the concert.

9 Subordinating Conjunctions
Turn IC’s into DC’s Time: After, Before, When, While Cause & Effect: Because, Since, In order to Opposition: Although, Though Condition: If, Unless

10 Practice In your journal, write a complex sentence.
Share your sentence with a partner.

11 Constructing Sentences
Simple: My friend invited me to a party. I do not want to go. Compound. My friend invited me to a party, but I do not want to go. Complex: Although my friend invited me to a party, I do not want to go.

12 Compound-Complex Sentences
DC, IC, Fanboys IC One complex sentence is joined to a simple sentence with a coordinating conjunction. While Tom reads novels, Jack reads comics, but Sam only reads magazines.

13 Questions?

14 In the Course Handout Packet:
Quiz Prep In the Course Handout Packet: Complete Compound Sentence Lesson 2A (p. 113) Complex Sentence Lesson 2A (p. 119)

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