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Entomology – Symptoms.

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1 Entomology – Symptoms

2 Chewing Chew off external parts of a plant Grind them up
Swallow solids and liquid parts together Grazing

3 Chewing Cabbageworms Armyworms Grasshoppers Colorado potato beetle
Pear slug (sawfly) cankerworm Pear Sawfly

4 Cabbageworm Artogeia rapae

5 Army Cutworm Euxoa auxiliaris

6 Clearwing Grasshopper

7 Pear Slug Caliroa crasei

8 Piercing-Sucking Piercing the epidermis and sucking out the sap from the cells within Internal and liquid portions of the plant are swallowed Insects remains on the plant

9 Piercing-Sucking Have an extremely slender and sharp pointed portion of the beak Thrust into the plant Sap is sucked

10 Piercing –Sucking effect
Minute spotting or white, brown or red Leaves Fruit Twigs Curling of the leaves Deformed fruit Wilting, browning and dying

11 Piercing - Sucking Aphids, Scale insects Leafhoppers Squash bug
Plant bug

12 Aphids

13 Aphid Curling & Distortion

14 Aphids on Geranium

15 Brown Scale & Honeydew Coccus hesperidum

16 Leafhopper

17 Potato leafhopper damage

18 Squash Bug

19 Internal Feeders Feed within the plant tissues a part of all of their destructive stages Gain entrance by having eggs deposited into the tissues Eating their way in once the eggs hatch Hole is very minute (invisable) Large hole indicates the exit of the insect

20 Internal Feeders Borers Worms Leaf miners Gall insects

21 Ash Borer

22 Leaf Miners Small enough to feed between the upper and lower epidermis of a leaf

23 Gall insects Sting the plant which then grows a home for them
Insects find shelter and food inside the gall Development from the secretions of the larvae Different insects on same plant make different structured galls

24 Cooley Spruce Gall

25 Chokecherry Midge in Gall

26 Subterranean Insects Attack roots and underground stems

27 Subterranean Insects Chewers Sap Suckers Root borers Gall insects
Woolly apple aphid Wireworms Root maggots Billbugs

28 Laying eggs Puncture tissue as a place to lay eggs
Cicada places eggs in 1 year twigs – splitting the wood Buffalo Tree Hopper

29 Use of Plants for Making Nest
Leaf-cutter bees Take a semicircular piece of rose and other foliage Cemented together to form thimble-shaped cells In a tunnel made in the stem of a plant


31 Carry other insects to the plant and establishing them there

32 Insects Vector Pathogens
Feed, lay eggs, or bore into plants Making an entrance point for disease Move pathogen on their bodies from one plant to a susceptible surface of another plant Carry pathogens on the outside or inside of their bodies and inject them as they feed

33 Insects Vector Pathogens
Pathogens can spend time in the bodies of insects, can overwinter their Insects act as a host for a pathogen

34 Vectored Pathogens Dutch Elm Disease (fungus) Small Beetle
Fireblight (Bacteria) Pollinating Insects Tomato Curly Top (virus) Beet Leafhopper Cucumber Mosaic (virus) Aphids


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