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SPA Specific Qualitative Research

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1 SPA Specific Qualitative Research
SSP5051 Research Process Week 12 SPA Specific Qualitative Research

2 Assessment ion term 1 (25% of the module)
Week 4 – Applied research in SPA Preparation task for Week 8 – quantitative research in SPA – report on a paper (5%) Week 8 task – discussion of different types of quantitative method in SPA (5%) Preparation task for Week 12 – qualitative research in SPA – report on a paper (5%) Week 12 two tasks – application of qualitative techniques, strengths and weaknesses (10%) Today we will consider the papers that you read and classify them according to the type of quantitative research that was involved.

3 Learning Outcomes By the end of this session you will be able to
Discuss the application of qualitative methods within sports performance analysis List relative strengths and weaknesses of quantitative and qualitative methods within sports performance analysis

4 Task that has already been assessed
Consider the nature of qualitative research in general (weeks 9-11), read a selected paper from the International Journal of Sports Performance Analysis that uses qualitative methods. Identify two ways in which qualitative methods have a role in sports performance analysis. This task is worth 5% of the module 5 marks Just flash this up – it is what we marked for this week

INDIRECTLY OBJECTIVE LARGELY OBJECTIVE SUBJECTIVE Today we are focussing on qualitative methods No human involvement in data collection No researcher involvement in data collection Researcher uses guidelines for data collection Today Eg researcher deciding on behaviours performed Eg recording umpire decisions Eg Prozone or Hawkeye

6 The papers you have read
For one minute consider qualitative methods you have covered in research process Discuss these with the person beside you in pairs

7 Discussion Task How can qualitative methods be used to help understand your sport 5 marks Ask each student what there sport is and to give an example of how qualitative data or methods can help. Assess contribution.

8 Feedback Qualitative observation
Live Video Analysis of still frames (annotated or not) Interviewing / self report The inner athlete Explanations for observed behaviour Understanding unseen mental processes The lecturer quickly sums up some good examples from the students then also the work of Lafont on analysis still photographs and the work of Poizat et al on Self-confrontational interviews conducted while watching videos of performances

9 Strengths and weaknesses of quantitative and qualitative research
Spend 5 minutes writing down 2 relative strengths and weaknesses of quantitative methods and qualitative methods Hand in what you have written to the lecturer At the end of the 5 minutes, these will be discussed This second task will be marked after the class is over and will not just be on what the students wrote but also on their contribution to the discussion.

10 Next term SPA specific research processes
Week Subject topic of seminar Task for the next week 13 Selecting a research topic in sports performance analysis Finalise a research topic area 14 Topic discussions and literature surveys in sports performance analysis – relevance and importance Explore literature relevant to the chosen topic 15 Discuss relevant existing theory that is relevant to the research topic Draft the paragraph of the essay justifying the research topic 16 Discuss the role of previous research in selecting the research topic Draft the paragraph discussing existing literature 17 Discuss information needs for the research topic and variables involved List the output information to be produced by an observational analysis system 18 Operationalising specific research question, formulating hypotheses Draft the paragraph proposing the precise research question 19 Discussion of raw data required and data sources Identify the raw data needed to produce each output variable 20 Contrasting manual and computerised methods of gathering and analysing data Draft the paragraph describing methods 21 Discuss the feasibility of methods Read book chapters on reliability in sports performance analysis 22 Discuss the reliability of the devised methods List any ethical issues with the research project 23 Discuss ethical issues related to the methods Draft the paragraph on reliability and ethical issues 24 Final advice on research process essay Note how this is similar to first term except rather than being research in general, it is research specifically in SPA. This will all be working towards the research process essay (50% of the module marks)

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