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Anglo-Saxon Period 449-1066.

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Presentation on theme: "Anglo-Saxon Period 449-1066."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anglo-Saxon Period

2 Roman Occupation Rome ruled Britain for over 300 years
Roman forces finally left Britain around 410 A.D. Random Fact: Numerous present day towns ending in “caster” and “chester” have origins in Roman occupation

3 Civilizing the Anglo Saxons
Venerable Bede Father of English history Wrote the earliest recorded histories of the English people

4 Alfred the Great Founded the first public schools
Temporarily unified Britain by defeating the Danes Random Fact: The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle-first historical record written in English

5 The Anglo-Saxon Lives .

6 The Code Brought loyalty and honor to the king
Angles, Saxons, Jutes and other Germanic Tribes defeated the last legions of the Roman Empire in Britain. They then established small kingdoms. "England" means Land of the Angles. Around 597 A.D. Ethelbert, King of Kent welcomed Augustine, the Christian missionary to his kingdom and he accepted Christianity. Wihin the century, most of Britain had converted to Christianity.                                                                                                                             The Code Brought loyalty and honor to the king Strict codes of conduct and behavior Love of action and adventure

7 Anglo- Saxons Although illiterate and crude, the Anglo-Saxons had an innate intellectual curiosity and an appreciation of beauty

8 Threat of Invasion Viking of Scandinavia
Jutes (the first of the Germanic tribes) Saxons (Danish origins)

9 Religion Beliefs in pagan Gods
Our weekdays: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday come from Anglo-Saxon Gods

10 Saint Augustine Saint Augustine, the first archbishop of Canterbury, tries to Christianize the Anglo-Saxons

11 Anglo-Saxon Literature

12 Spreading of Anglo-Saxon Tradition
The written literature began to evolve with the coming of the church In Mead Hall (a king’s “castle”) songs were performed For entertainment purposes Stories of heroes and heroic legends

13 Anglo-Saxon Poetry and Poets
Oral tradition: reciting poems, songs, and tales for large audiences Most Anglo-Saxon tales and poetry are based on pagan belies with Christian additions The Wyrd: pagan belief of Fate determining all things

14 Notable Characteristics of Anglo-Saxon Poetry
Alliteration Kennings Caesura Emphatic rhymes

15 Fall of the Anglo-Saxons

16 1066 Britain is invaded and conquered by the Normans/French
William, duke of Normandy, now rules all of Britain

17 King Arthur May have actually been a real Celtic ruler attempting to defend the British Isles Becomes a god-like character in British folklore

18 The Dark Ages Term used to describe the Anglo-Saxon period
Inaccurate term since it was a time of social and political development

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