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Workshop for CS-AP Teachers

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1 Workshop for CS-AP Teachers
Object-Oriented Design Workshop for CS-AP Teachers Chapter 4 Object-Oriented Design Georgia Institute of Technology

2 Object-Oriented Design
Learning Goals Understand the basics of object-oriented design Purpose of Design Goals of Object-Oriented Design Principles of Good Object-Oriented Design How to transition from analysis to design The design process Georgia Institute of Technology

3 Object-Oriented Design
The purpose of design is to build an abstract, high-level, description of HOW the system will work In Structured Design the emphasis is on: Top-down design Successive refinement of functions In OO Design the emphasis is on: Refinement of the classes and the relationships between them Mapping classes to the implementation environment Choosing libraries, designing the user interface Georgia Institute of Technology

4 Goals of Object-Oriented Design
Decrease coupling: the degree to which two components depend on each other’s implementations (minimize the effect of changes) Increase cohesion: the degree to which the responsibilities of a class are related (maximize the ability to combine objects) Train cars are coupled together. Georgia Institute of Technology

5 Good Object-Oriented Design
Is based on real world artifacts That makes the design reusable Information access is enough Objects don't need information that they can't get to. Objects can get to the information they need directly or indirectly Responsibility, control, and communication is distributed No one object does everything Attributes and operations are factored out as high in the class hierarchy as possible Using inheritance There should be little or no redundancy Code should appear only once Georgia Institute of Technology

6 Georgia Institute of Technology
Good Design Exercise Double click on battle.html and run the battleship game Open the class in the folder exercises/battleship What do you think of this design? How easy or hard would it be to change this game? adding 2 players adding more ships changing the size of the game board Georgia Institute of Technology

7 Moving from Analysis to Design
Object-Oriented Design Moving from Analysis to Design Determine the length of the next iteration From 2 weeks to many months Try to keep the iterations the same length Review the use cases and determine which use cases will be implemented in the next iteration Based on priority, risk, and time estimates Tackle high priority and high risk first Georgia Institute of Technology

8 Getting Started on Design
Object-Oriented Design Getting Started on Design Design can be partitioned into Internal Design: Converting conceptual models into specification models Refinement of classes and the relationships between classes Interface Design: Define the external interface to Users Persistent data Other programs OOD does not usually require Pseudo-code for class operations Class designs to be “frozen” before implementation commences Design and programming phases often overlap Georgia Institute of Technology

9 Object-Oriented Design
Design Process Review the class diagram Create detailed use cases Include user interface details and interface prototypes Modify the class diagram to add attributes, operations, and new classes Found in the detailed use cases Add packages as the number of classes gets too large Determine how to make the objects persistent Georgia Institute of Technology

10 Review the Class Diagram
Object-Oriented Design Review the Class Diagram Georgia Institute of Technology

11 Object-Oriented Design
Example Class Diagram This model is just one feasible static object model At design time, we can refine the model Is a Deck the same object as the Stock pile? How do we handle moving piles of cards? Georgia Institute of Technology

12 Review the Class Diagram
Object-Oriented Design Review the Class Diagram Review classes and remove vague classes system redundant classes a class should appear only once in the diagram irrelevant classes outside the domain Review the class names Review attributes Review operations Review the relationships between classes Georgia Institute of Technology

13 Object-Oriented Design
Review the Class Names Do the names reflect the domain? Does the name reflect the purpose of the class? Is a connector between shapes a line or a connector? Are the names pronounceable? Does each word in a class name start with a capital letter: ShapeCanvas? Are the names clear and unambiguous? Are the names singular? Course not Courses Georgia Institute of Technology

14 Object-Oriented Design
Review Attributes Add types to attributes Using types in the chosen language (if needed) Some attributes need to be expanded A person’s name Some attributes should be classes An address Some attributes can be grouped into a class A date range Not all OO languages require variables to have types. Smalltalk and lisp do not require variables to have types. The top picture shows the Person class after analysis. The bottom picture shows the Person class after a design review. It shows that a person can have 0 to many addresses. There is an association class that says for each 1 to 1 pairing of person and address there is a date range and an indication if this is a permanent or temporary location. This architecture would be useful for students and others that have several addresses during a year. Georgia Institute of Technology

15 Object-Oriented Design
Review Operations Check the names of the operations Are they easy to read and clear? Add parameters and return types Check that the operations are on the correct class The class you expect would be doing the action Check if several classes have similar operations that can be put in a parent class Even if the names of the operations are different Georgia Institute of Technology

16 Object-Oriented Design
Review Inheritance Use inheritance only when the child class is a “type of” the parent class Use association if this isn’t true Modify multiple inheritance to use interface realization if you are using a language that doesn’t support multiple inheritance A course session is not a type of course. A course session has a course associated with it. The open triangle with the solid line is the UML generalization relationship. The open triangle with the dashed line is the realization relationship. Realization is used when the child class implements the interface defined in the parent class. Georgia Institute of Technology

17 Add Classes to Clarify Relations
Object-Oriented Design Add Classes to Clarify Relations Doctor, Nurse, and Patient are all “a kind of” Person But Doctor and Nurse are both Medical Personnel too Introduce a new class Medical Person This allows you to use the abstraction of medical person in your solution. For example both doctors and nurses can understand medical definitions but you want to have different definitions for non-medical people. Georgia Institute of Technology

18 Delegation instead of Inheritance
Object-Oriented Design Delegation instead of Inheritance Use delegation to simply use (buy) another class An object handles a message by sending messages to other objects User gets the person name from person Allows an object to invoke other objects’ operations without adding the overhead of inherited operations A user could be thought to inherit from person but it isn’t really a type of person. By using the has-a relation instead we can subclass person. If we have user inherit from person we can’t tell if we have medical users or not easily. An ordered collection maintains elements in relative positions. It has methods that remove or add to either end of the ordered collection. So, is a stack a type of ordered collection or should it just buy (use) an ordered collection? Inheritance tightly couples the base class and the super class. An ordered collection has many more operations than are needed or desired for a stack class. So, a stack class should only use an ordered class and not inherit from it. Georgia Institute of Technology

19 Object-Oriented Design
Review Association Use association when an object of a class “has a” object of another class A catalog has items Add navigability to show which side of an association cares about the relationship A catalog will track the items in it but the items won’t care what catalog they are in If you don’t have an arrow to show the navigability then it means two different things. Either you haven’t decided yet or both sides keep track of the relationship. Georgia Institute of Technology

20 Create Detailed Use Cases
Object-Oriented Design Create Detailed Use Cases Georgia Institute of Technology

21 Create Detailed Use Cases
Object-Oriented Design Create Detailed Use Cases Expand the high-level use cases from analysis Go into the details including the user interface Elicit rare or minor use cases People remember the “standard” things. Consider future use cases What things might we want the system to do in the near future? Assign use cases to iterations When will you implement the use case? Some processes say don’t worry about what is going to happen in the future (XP). But, you should know what is happening during the iteration. Georgia Institute of Technology

22 Object-Oriented Design
A Detailed Use Case Defines how as well as what Names the user interface elements Names parts of the system Go into the details of how Describes the success scenario Sequence of steps when everything goes well Describes alternative scenarios as well Times when things go wrong or Times when things are handled differently The success scenario describe what happens when everything goes well. This is also called the “happy day” scenario. A scenario is a sequence of interactions between the user and the system. A use case is a collection of all scenarios about a user goal. Georgia Institute of Technology

23 Scenarios versus Use Cases
Object-Oriented Design Scenarios versus Use Cases A scenario is a sequence of interactions between a user and a system About a user goal Example for the goal of making a bulleted list: User selects some text and then clicks on the icon to make the text a bulleted list. The system modifies the text to make it a bulleted list. A use case is a set of scenarios that have the same user goal Includes the success scenario “happy day” scenario Includes failures and alternative success scenarios as well Georgia Institute of Technology

24 Detailed Use Case Format
Object-Oriented Design Detailed Use Case Format There is no standard format Two typical types Use case with alternative scenarios included in the body of the success scenario Indenting used to show alternatives Use case with uninterrupted success scenario Alternatives are listed after the success scenario Numbering Some use simple numbering 1, 2, 3, … Others use decimal numbering 1, , 1.2.1, Use whatever format works for your team. Georgia Institute of Technology

25 Detailed Use Case Example
Object-Oriented Design Detailed Use Case Example Name: Placing an Order Actors: customer (initiates), salesperson, Frequency: common, Priority: Essential A customer calls in an order. The salesperson brings up an Order Entry page. The User Interface (UI) prompts the salesperson for the number on the catalog that identifies the catalog and customer. The customer gives the number The salesperson verifies the customer name and catalog name and asks for the first item For each item the customer gives the item number For each item the salesperson gives the item name, price and asks the customer for the options and quantity For each item the customer gives the quantity and the salesperson reserves this quantity for the customer When there are no more items in the order the salesperson gives the shipping choices, length of time, and cost The customer picks a shipping method Georgia Institute of Technology

26 Detailed Use Case Example
Object-Oriented Design Detailed Use Case Example The salesperson gives the total cost of the order and gets or verifies the credit card information. A check is made to make sure the credit card will allow the charge. The salesperson gives the order confirmation number (order number) and tells the customer when to expect the order. The order status is set to pending and after the credit card approval occurs it changes to approved The shipping clerk uses the Waiting to be Shipped page to see the items needed for the order. The shipping clerk uses the Item Locator page to find where the items are in the warehouse. The shipping clerk prints off an invoice, mailing label, and packs the order. The credit card is charged for the order. The shipping company picks up the order and delivers it. Georgia Institute of Technology

27 Object-Oriented Design
Use Case Alternatives Alternative: New Customer At step 1 this may be a new customer so use the use case of creating a new customer Alternative: Expired Catalog At step 1 this may be an expired catalog and if so notify the user that the prices may be out of date Alternative: Backordered Item At step 6 the item may indicate that it is on backorder. If so the salesperson will notify the customer and ask if they want to continue Alternative: Cancel At any point the customer can cancel the order Georgia Institute of Technology

28 Detailed Use Case Example
Object-Oriented Design Detailed Use Case Example Use Case: Withdraw from ATM Actors: Customer, ATM (Customer Initiates) Frequency: Common Priority: Essential Description: This slide shows another type of detailed use case with the customer actions on the left and the system actions on the right. Georgia Institute of Technology

29 Vending Machine Exercise
Object-Oriented Design Vending Machine Exercise Objective: Practice Object-Oriented design Duration: 30 minutes Exercise: Modify a class diagram for the following requirements. Then write a detailed use case describing getting an item from the vending machine. Create the next generation vending machine that can tell when a part of it is broken and can place a service call so that a repairman can come and fix it. Georgia Institute of Technology

30 Vending Machine Class Diagram
Object-Oriented Design Vending Machine Class Diagram Georgia Institute of Technology

31 Revised Vending Machine
Object-Oriented Design Revised Vending Machine By having all parts of a vending machine inherit from the abstract class part we can have each part have a part number and an attribute that says if it is working. We can also have a call for service that will place a service call with a service company that can fix that part. The part class also has an abstract method checkIfBroken that each child will need to override. Each part may check in a different manner. Georgia Institute of Technology

32 Detailed Vending Use Case
Object-Oriented Design Detailed Vending Use Case Name: Get item from machine Actors(s): Customer (initiates) Frequency: Common Priority: Essential Description: The customer starts a transaction by putting money in the vending machine The money holder validates the money entered and if valid adds it to the amount entered The money holder updates the display to show the amount entered. The customer pushes an item selector (sends a select to the item selector) The item selector tells the item holder to dispense The item holder gets the price from the item. The item holder tells the display to display the item price. The item holder checks if the money holder can make the required change. The item holder dispenses the item The item holder tells the money holder to dispense the change The item holder tells item to decrement the quantity in stock Item will decrement the quantity in stock and check if it is at the restock level and if so send a message to the supplier Georgia Institute of Technology

33 Detailed Vending Use Case - Alts
Object-Oriented Design Detailed Vending Use Case - Alts Alternative – Validate money fails Step 2. If the validate money fails the money is returned to the user and the display tells the user Alternative – Can’t make change Step 8. If the money holder can’t make change then the display tells the user so the user can cancel the transaction Alternative – Can’t dispense item Step 9. If the item isn’t dispensed the display is updated to tell the user so the user can cancel the transaction Alternative – Can’t reach supplier Step 12. If the supplier can’t be reached try again every few hours and notify the vending machine company The last alternative means the class diagram will need to include the vending machine company. Georgia Institute of Technology

34 Revise the Class Diagram
Object-Oriented Design Revise the Class Diagram Georgia Institute of Technology

35 Adding Operations and Attributes
Object-Oriented Design Adding Operations and Attributes Creating detailed use cases will likely uncover attributes and operations that were not thought of in analysis. Determining where the new attributes and operations should go depends on the class responsibilities. The assignment of responsibilities is a crucial skill in object-oriented design. Often new classes need to be created to refine the responsibilities. In the mail order application we had items holding the quantity of items in the warehouse. But if we have multiple warehouses then perhaps a new class the ItemWarehouse class should be created to hold the quantity of an item in a particular warehouse. Georgia Institute of Technology

36 Responsibility Assignment
Object-Oriented Design Responsibility Assignment Where to put an attribute? Assign attributes to the class that it belongs to or who you would expect to be able to ask about it. Where to put an operation? Assign an operation to the class that has the data needed for the operation or assign the operation to an intermediate class to reduce coupling (indirection). Georgia Institute of Technology

37 Responsibility Assignment
Object-Oriented Design Responsibility Assignment Who should create an object of a class? A should create B if A contains B. A should create B if A has the initializing data for B. Who should handle an event? The object that takes action based on the event or the container that holds the object that where the event occurred. Georgia Institute of Technology

38 Georgia Institute of Technology
Summary The purpose of design is to build a high-level description of how the system will work The goals of design are to reduce coupling and increase cohesion During design we should Build a class diagram of the solution Add types and method parameters Create detailed use cases Create user interface prototypes Georgia Institute of Technology

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