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Temptations common to men and how to overcome them

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1 Temptations common to men and how to overcome them
Understanding of temptation Deductions from our understanding of temptation A look at God’s plan and purpose for man Man and Family, Local church and Society in general What to do

2 Definition from the bible
James 1:14-15 says NKJV says - But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desires has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death NLT says- Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away (from God’s plan and purpose). These desires gives birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death (separation from God) Message bible says – The temptation to give in to evil comes from us and only us. We have no one to blame but the leering, seducing flare-up of our own lust. Lust gets pregnant, and has a baby: sin! Sin grows up to adulthood, and becomes a killer.

3 DEDUCTIONS : Background of temptation- Lustful desires of the flesh
Purpose of temptation- Drag us away from God, His purpose and plans Consequence of temptation- Spiritual death which is separation from God 3 Categories of temptation – 1Jn.2:15-17 The lust of the flesh The lust of the eyes The pride of life

4 A look at God’s Plan and purpose for man
Genesis the book of beginnings - Gen.1:26-28 Man created in God’s image – Plan to have the nurturing ability of God and be His representative on earth Jn10:34-38. Man to have dominion over every creation of God-1 Jn.4:17. How God did it at creation – Gen.2:5 significant Gen.2:7-8 God formed man and put him in Eden (fruitful, well watered)- the presence of God (Isa.32:15)- ‘open heaven’ Gen.2:15 God gave man work to do. Gifts –Eph.4: 7, 11-16 Cultivate. Care of the garden –Protection Keep my commands – Gen.2:16 Be responsible – Gen.2:17

5 Man & Family, Local church & Society
Gen.2: Introduces us to marriage Seeking to understand the mystery of marriage through the relationship of Christ and His Church – Eph.5:21-33 (Nurture - to love, protect, encourage, compliment and work at bringing out the best in another) Man and the word vs 25-27) Marriage covenant – Mal.2:14 (Witness-God), - any form of unfaithfulness-domestic violence , verbal, emotional, physical or psychological, sexual impropriety- pornography, adultery and various forms of sexual lust prevalent today Consequence of unfaithfulness – Mal.2:13-16; 1Pet.3:7.

6 Man and local Church & Society
A spiritual leader (Mentor, Elder, Deacon, Pastor) 1Tim.3:2-5, 8-12. Love your neighbour as yourself-Mk.12:30- 31; 1Corin.10:31. The temptations we face may emanate from a lack of understanding of our true identity and the responsibility we carry to manage in God’s presence – Gal.4:1, Eph.4:14-16, Prov.!8:16.

7 WHAT TO DO Stay in Eden- the presence of the Lord – Josh.1:8, Ps.1:1-3, 2Corin.10:4-6, Col.3:6, Gal.5: Jam.4:7. Seek to know the work God has given you in His vineyard by identifying your gift in the body –Acts 2:17, Prov.18:16 Cultivate through the nurturing with the word of God all that have been committed to you- Wife, Children, work and everyone in your sphere of influence –Gen.18:19, Gal.5:13-14.

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