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IA-HySafe Standard benchmark exercise SBEP-V21: Hydrogen release and accumulation within a non-ventilated ambient pressure garage at low release rates.

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Presentation on theme: "IA-HySafe Standard benchmark exercise SBEP-V21: Hydrogen release and accumulation within a non-ventilated ambient pressure garage at low release rates."— Presentation transcript:

1 IA-HySafe Standard benchmark exercise SBEP-V21: Hydrogen release and accumulation within a non-ventilated ambient pressure garage at low release rates A.G.Venetsanos1, I. Tolias1, D. Baraldi7, S. Benz5, B. Cariteau2, J. Garcia3, O.R. Hansen4, C. Jäkel6, S. Ledin8, P. Middha4, E.A. Papanikolaou7 1 Environmental Research Laboratory, National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos (NCSRD), Aghia Paraskevi, Attikis, Greece, 2 C.E.A. Saclay, D.E.N., D.M.2S., S.F.M.E., Laboratoire d’Etude Expérimentale des Fluides, Gif/Yvette cedex FRANCE 3 Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2, E Madrid, Spain 4 GEXCON AS, Fantoftvegen 38 Box 6015 Postterminalen N-5892 BERGEN Norway 5 IKET, KIT, Postfach 3640, Karlsruhe, Germany 6 Forschungszentrum Juelich (FZJ), Juelich, Germany 7 Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC), Institute for Energy, 1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands 8 Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL), Harpur Hill, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 9JN, UK

2 CONTENTS Introduction & Scope Description of CEA Garage Test 5
Modelling strategy Results & discussion Conclusions

3 Intro & Scope The Research Committee activities of IA-HySafe include:
the continuation of SBEPs first introduced within HySafe EC-NoE SBEPs to validate, inter-compare and further develop existing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes and models in predicting hydrogen related release, dispersion and combustion phenomena Focus in the present work: Understanding and prediction of the dispersion / accumulation of hydrogen releases in confined spaces under low release conditions

4 CEA Garage Test-5 Re = 115 Garage x-dimension (mm) 5760
Garage y-dimension (mm) 2960 Garage z-dimension (mm) 2420 x release (mm) -2880 y release (mm) 1480 z release (mm) 220 Exit diameter (mm) 29,7 Volumetric flow rate - STP (NL/min) 18 He mass flow rate (g/s) 0,054 Garage Temperature T (°C) 24,1 Exit velocity (m/s) 0,47 Release Direction Upwards Release Type Continuous Release duration (s) 3740 Released volume - STP (NL) 1122 He released mass (gr) 200,28 Target concentration (%) 2,94% Total measurement time (s) 90440 Re = 115

5 Number of computational cells Molecular diffusivity (m2/s×10-5)
Modelling strategy Participant/ Code Turbulence model Number of computational cells Convective terms Transient terms Vent model Molecular diffusivity (m2/s×10-5) FZJ/CFX SAS-SST (half garage) 2nd order 2nd order backwards Euler Opening 8.0 GEXCON/ FLACS k-ε Release: 30888 Diffusion: 4560 2.0 GEXCON_revised/ Release: 44352 Diffusion: 7200 Extension HSL/CFX SST 88840 High resolution scheme (2nd order) 1.86 JRC/CFX Laminar Release: Diffusion: 70429 Outside: 5173 2 m × 3 m × 3 m extension 11.7 KIT/ GASFLOW 58905 Upwind 1rst order ALE scheme 7.5 NCSRD/ ADREA-HF 53760 Outside: 3360 SMART 3rd order 1rst order fully implicit 1 m × 2.96 m × 2.42 m extension 5.65 UPM/ FLUENT 125516 UPM_revised/ -

6 Results – Mass balance

7 Results – CPU times Compressibility Simulated period (s) Threads
Participant/ Code Compressibility Simulated period (s) CPU time Threads Computer type FZJ/CFX Fully compressible 20000 s 15d, 21h 3 Intel i7 860 CPU GEXCON/ FLACS Low Mach s 1d 1 Linux-PC, Intel Xeon W3550, 3.07 GHz GEXCON_revised/ 5.5h 4 Quad core HSL/CFX 15000 s (coarse mesh) s (fine) 18d, 5h (coarse) 19d, 15h (fine) 2 Windows XP SP3 64-bit, 2 Intel Xeon JRC/CFX 15000 s 9d, 20h 8 3.25 GHz KIT/ GASFLOW 20000 2d, 15h Suse Linux 11.2, i7-950, 3.06GHz NCSRD/ ADREA-HF 7080 10d Windows 7, i7 M620 CPU at 2.67 GHz UPM/ FLUENT 13d Windows 7, 2 Intel Xeon Quad Core CPUs at 2.4 GHz

8 Results - Concentrations
Sensor name z (mm) P1N3 2370 P1N2 2135 P1N1 1900 M1N5 1575 M1N4 1260 M1N3 945 M1N2 630 M1N1 315

9 Results - Concentrations
P1N3, z = 2.37 m

10 Results - Concentrations
P1N2, z = m

11 Results - Concentrations
P1N1, z = 1.9 m

12 Results - Concentrations
M1N5, z = m

13 Results - Concentrations
M1N4, z = 1.26 m

14 Results - Concentrations
M1N3, z = m

15 Results - Concentrations
M1N2, z = 0.63 m

16 Results - Concentrations
M1N1, z = m

17 CONCLUSIONS Relatively good predictions of He concentrations
Significant reduction in CPU time with low Mach number solvers Significant effect of extending the computational domain far enough beyond the confined space opening.


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