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SAIOH PCC Feedback Report

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1 SAIOH PCC Feedback Report
SAIOH Mpumalanga Branch Meeting: 8 March 2017

2 PCC – Committee Matters
New Chairman Elected Late 2016: Richard Mdlalose (Transnet) New Vice Chairman: Sean Chester (Apex Environmental – Durban) Peter-John (Jakes) Jacobs still our IOHA & NAR Committee Representative till end-2017, where-after Garth Hunter (Engen) will take over. Our application for the IOHA NAR (National Accreditation Recognition) renewal for 2017 was completed and submitted to the NAR Committee in December ready for evaluation.

3 Assessment Results for 2016
Basic Statistics: Note Drop in final quarter assessment results for Hygienists and Technologists. as at 1 December 2016 SUMMARY OF SAIOH PCB CERTIFICATION ASSESSMENT RESULTS: 2016 TOTAL CANDIDATES ASSESSED WRITTEN ASSESSMENT RESULTS FINAL ASSESSMENTS RESULTS Certification Categories 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter Y-T-D Assessed 2016 Total Assessed 2015 Y-T-D Passed 2016 Y-T-D Failed 2016 Y-T-D Pass Rate % 2016 Pass Rate % 2015 OH Assistants * 27 30 41 98 114 89 9 90.8% 82.8% OH Technologists 25 22 33 80 55 42 38 52.5% 78.6% 47 37 10 78.7% Occ. Hygienists 12 16 40 17 23 42.5% 93.3% 18 4 81.8% TOTAL 64 68 86 218 179 148 70 67.9% 82.4% 167 144 86.2% NB : Above Assistant * figures exclude universities students

4 Assessment Results for 2016
“Drop in final quarter assessment results for Hygienists and Technologists. This is believed to be because candidates do not thoroughly read the questions prior to answering - this is being noted by the assessors marking the assessment papers. Detailed and in-depth OH knowledge also seem to be lacking”, and Candidates are not making use of the guidance material and skills matrix (on the SAIOH Website) to understand the type and level of understanding for the various skills needed. New question database being used for compiling written assessment papers, to avoid repetition of questions in successive papers

5 Assessments - General Remember (for OHT and OH Assessment applications) – A Self-assessment must be submitted as a component of your PLP - upon application for membership upgrade (before you write), A new, standardized approach to Oral Assessments will be implemented – Formulation of questions and model answers underway and hopefully ready for trial early in 2017.

6 New “Student” Membership Category
Students now receive Student Certificates at no cost, valid for 1 year or until employment is achieved within the 12 month period, As soon as the “student” becomes employed, he/she (or the employer) must notify SAIOH, and SAIOH will invoice membership fees for the remainder of the year on a pro-rata basis, Advisory letter needs to be written to SANAS re. this arrangement, not really a “new” certification category, As soon as “student” becomes employed, he/she must notify, Unemployed members fall into the same rule set (category) as students and will receive “Student Member” Certificates. It is however important that you write to SAIOH officially to inform them of this situation and your status as such to receive the one year free registration – late requests will not be considered.

7 Continuous Professional Development (CPD) – Points Maintenance
The new CPD points system has been distributed to all SAIOH members (and is available on the website) – it is very clear how much one can claim for what, CPD submission call for audit to be done by mid-February 2017 in time for SAQA review on 17 February Results and outcomes to be reported to the PCC at the April meeting and a copy of the report submitted to SAQA by their request. If CPD’s are not submitted (sub-standard response rate) or are false, SAIOH could lose SAQA certification – and DoL recognition in return, Continues on next slide

8 Continuous Professional Development (CPD) – Points Maintenance
Members that submit “false” claims will be subjected to disciplinary procedure, Members who ignore the call to submit supporting documentation for verification/audit by SAIOH, will be subjected to disciplinary procedure. If membership is terminated, you must (re) apply, as if you are a new member; sit all assessments and pay all fees – the highest level at which you can (re) apply, is Technologist !

9 Continuous Professional Development (CPD) – Earning Points (Easy)
SAIOH Recognised Courses/workshops: The issuing of a letter for CPD points for courses / workshops has been fully implemented – presenters must apply for recognition at SAIOH, Mentorship: Select a good mentor! Sign a mentorship agreement. Schedule contact times (tele, skype or meeting). Contact times should be brief and unfold according to a set itinerary. Should never take more than an hour. Listen to your mentors and respect their knowledge. A good mentor will be able to pick holes in any of you work – don’t be offended by this. Do not expect your mentor to do your work! A mentor is there to point you in the right direction, not hold your hand through the process. Your mentor is not your teacher.!

10 Continuous Professional Development (CPD) – Earning Points (Easy)
Submit Questions: Submit questions and model answers, to be included in the OHT and OH written assessment question database, Short/multiple choice questions, 2 – 5 point questions, 15 to 15 point long questions and 30 point essay questions, Questions can be directly OH/technical , or Fringe/OH practice related; i.e. OH management, Legislation, Quality Management….

11 Important Dates – PCC Calendar

12 End - Thank You Questions?

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