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الأستاذة الدكتورة/ نجوى فهيم زهران
أهدى هذا العمل المتواضع الى روح الأستاذة الدكتورة/ نجوى فهيم زهران فقد كانت المنارة والنبراس لنا و لما لها علينا من ايادى بيضاء فابدا لن ننساكى
By Saad Ahmed Abd-Elaal
The Elemental Analysis by Using Non-Destructive Techniques By Saad Ahmed Abd-Elaal B.Sc. and M. Sc. In physics Under the Supervision Prof. Dr Ahmed Elfalaky El-sayed Former Chairman of Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University Prof. Dr Abd El-Fatah Ibrahim Helal Former Vice Chairman of Atomic Energy Authority Ass. Prof. Dr. Hany Talaat Mohsen Central Lab. for Elemental & Isotopic Analysis, NRC, AEA
التحليل العناصرِي باستعمال التقنياتِ اللا إتلافية
رسالة مقدمة من الطالب سعد أحمد عبد العال للحصول على درجة الدكتوراة فى الفيزياء قسم الفيزياء كلية العلوم – جامعة الزقازيق 2011
Aim of the work
The study the elemental composition and concentrations of some selected Egyptian coins in the last 100 years. Investigate the probability of amalgamation of some ancient Egyptian coins. Three different pound coins minted at 2005, 2007 and 2008 are investigated to study the changes of elemental concentration The possibility of production of nanoparticles from solid samples. the study the particle size of the ablated particles.
SEM-EDX and XRF are non-destructive and non-invasive analytical techniques.
SEM-EDX and XRF accurate analytical techniques, easy, fast, safe and relatively low cost compared with large facilities. They are widely used in art, archaeology and ancient historical coins for determination of the material composition.
LA Unit
Sample Chamber for Laser Ablation Unit
Elemental Analysis of some Egyptian Silver Coins in the Ottoman Empire Period
● ● 2,5 and 10 silver Qirsh coins at 1327 AD in the Ottoman Empire period .
Qirsh coins elemental analysis by EDX at Ottoman period (mass%)
● ● Qirsh coins elemental analysis by EDX at Ottoman period (mass%)
● ● LA in the raster mode (a) and in the drilling mode (b) for 10 shots at 7Joules (a) (b)
LA results of the raster mode elemental analysis of the coins (mass%)
● ● LA results of the raster mode elemental analysis of the coins (mass%) Element 10 Qirsh 5 Qirsh 2 Qirsh Cu 7.7 7.9 8 Ag 88.8 91.2 91.8 Au 0.68 0.06 0.01 Hg 1.95 0.02 0.03 Tl 0.81 0.29 0.04 Pb -- 0.51 0.08
● ● Variations of silver and mercury concentrations as a function of the depth in micrometers
Analysis of some Egyptian coins by using
Pt. 67 Year
increased Year weight Cu Ni Fe Zn Mn Al 1917 5.6111 75.349 24.0169
0.0676 0.3763 0.1902 - 1938 5.1374 0.2981 0.1078 5.879 0.2982 2.0674 1941 5.1431 -- 0.3432 0.1457 1957 4.7843 0.238 0.0741 4.054 1958 4.7675 0.2921 0.0471 4.4568 1960 5.0168 0.2575 0.0549 7.8496 1967 1.799 0.7281 0.0749 0.3546 1973 1.736 0.1186 0.0402 0.6921 0.165 0.6824 3.179 0.2345 0.0508 6.735 1977 3.1641 0.2803 0.037 0.1238 7.6561 1984 1.9741 0.2552 0.0429 7.8952 increased
2 Pt. 1944 – 1984 40 Year
Year weight Cu Ni Fe Al Ag Mn Si 1944 2.6233 0.13 0.1867 0.8746 0.966 0.77 1958 5.586 -- 0.0389 8.3816 1980 4.9281 0.2326 5.82 1984 3.2759 0.3003 6.077 increased
5 Pt. 1956 – 2004 48 Year
increased Year Cu Ni Fe Zn Mn Co Al Ag 1967 4.4968 74.763 24.936 --
Weight Cu Ni Fe Zn Mn Co Al Ag 1967 4.4968 74.763 24.936 -- 0.301 1968 4.5106 0.1123 0.3871 0.1353 0.2176 1969 4.3916 74.47 0.0841 0.3341 0.0846 0.1354 1972 4.4 0.1986 0.5518 0.1411 0.1299 1973 4.4681 0.0824 0.3383 0.0693 0.1082 1974 4.4937 0.6692 0.1171 1975 4.4949 0.3808 0.0612 0.1118 1977 4.4827 0.1226 0.4132 0.262 0.2332 4.4307 0.1048 0.4156 0.2611 1978 4.5644 0.137 0.4557 0.1649 4.4411 0.1283 0.5599 0.2132 1979 4.4898 25.302 0.051 0.5192 0.1542 4.5585 0.122 0.4855 0.1659 1980 4.6312 0.0464 0.3147 0.0829 0.1388 4.4439 74.133 0.1072 0.5086 0.0598 0.1269 1992 3.1613 0.1766 0.0456 6.5119 2004 2.0768 0.231 5.7047 increased
10 Pt. 1960 – 1992 32Year
increased Year Cu Ni Fe Zn Mn Co Si Al 1967 5.6605 74.6871 24.3601
Weight Cu Ni Fe Zn Mn Co Si Al 1967 5.6605 0.1987 0.391 0.2375 0.1256 -- 5.829 0.0851 0.3258 0.256 0.1561 1970 5.9253 0.0769 0.4821 0.1243 0.135 1971 5.8757 0.1952 0.47 0.1956 0.1405 1972 5.9223 0.207 0.4651 0.1069 0.1322 1974 5.9117 0.3239 0.1836 0.1204 1975 5.6296 0.0712 0.4948 0.1176 0.13 1976 6.0513 0.0757 0.3399 0.1235 1977 6.0375 0.0535 0.3586 0.0625 0.1186 5.9715 0.077 0.4242 0.0849 0.1339 1978 6.0154 73.707 0.1015 0.5661 1979 5.8753 0.055 0.0647 0.1391 6.0348 0.4856 0.2193 0.0932 5.9574 0.4717 0.1471 0.0869 1980 6.0069 0.0572 0.5962 0.0896 0.1159 6.0614 71.628 27.582 0.0601 0.4926 0.1002 0.137 5.9333 0.0586 0.2899 0.1173 0.1638 1984 6.1468 74.617 0.0598 0.3823 0.1304 0.0863 0.4399 1992 4.8997 0.1723 0.0449 0.5114 8.4476 increased
Egyptian Pound Coin
Ring Disk
Egyptian pound Cu Ni Fe Si Al Mn Zn 2005 Disk 93.23 -- 0.36 5.85 0.54 Ring 73.48 24.23 0.32 0.89 2007 76.05 0.29 29.48 0.23 98.42 1.32 2008 0.79 23.16 0.56 94.83 1.78 1.87 Concentration (in mass %) of various elements in one pound Egyptian’s coin by XRF technique
disk ring
Egyptian pound Cu Ni Fe Si Al Mn Zn 2005 Disk surface 91.91 -- 0.11 4.95 cross sec. 90.75 0.9 0.69 5.66 0.88 Ring 74.05 24.83 0.31 73.84 25.15 0.07 0.25 2007 64.36 32.64 99.62 0.16 0.14 0.22 99.17 0.83 99.5 0.19 2008 69.34 25.82 99.43 0.13 0.3 0.38 99.56 0.23 0.21 Concentration (in mass %) of various elements in one pound Egyptian’s coin by EDX technique
EDX spectra for 2005, 2007 and 2008 coins surfaces and resections.
The production of small particles from the pound alloy
Nd:YA Glaser lens Ablation cell Ablated material path N2
Deposit material holder Gas tube Ablation cell Sample N2 Nd:YA Glaser
2μm 1μm 2μm LA in the raster mode
Laser Light Scattering Technique for Determination of Particle Size which Produced by Laser Ablation of Solid Samples
Laser: He–Ne Laser =10 mW , =632.8 nm and =612nm .
Principle and setup of LLS technique for measuring the size of small particles This diagnostic tool is mainly based on Mie scattering technique . The experimental setup consisted of : Laser: He–Ne Laser =10 mW , =632.8 nm and =612nm . Photomultiplier detector and monochromator. Oscilloscope: 2 channel oscilloscope with the photomultiplier detector. Black chamber with beam dumper.
Experimental arrangement
Powder size measurement Ultrasonic powder generator 0- 40 kHz Beam dumper monochromator Isc. Black chamber He-Ne laser 612nm-10mW Lens Powder spray Powder vibrator Detector Photon-counting
Laser Light Scattering LLS technique
where: I is the scattered intensity , Ii is the incident intensity , C is the constant of the experimental setup , Np is the particle number density, /4 is the fraction of the solid angle that reached to the detector , a is the particle radius , is the wavelength of the incident laser beam, l is the distance between the particles and the detector pickup slit and D(,)2 is dimensionless geometry function. , To estimate the ratio of scattering intensity to incident light intensity we use the following formula for the standard material powder ( Light scattering by small particles, by H . C. Van de Hulst Page 109)
LLS technique where: I is the scattered intensity ,
To obtain the Np we use Lambert law , where: I is the scattered intensity , Ii is the incident intensity , Cext is the extinction cross section and Cext Csct , Np is the particle number density and h is the interaction length,
SEM micrograph of standard powder with its size distribution by SEM-PCM.
Standard powders with their sizes by SEM-PCM method and the equivalent intensities by LLS technique.
(b) 50m 350 (a) Images of the laser ablation pits produced by the 266nm, 6ns on glass 611 SRM.
Laser Ablated Particle Size in Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer
Two laser systems are used to focused onto solid samples .
First, Nanosecond Excimer laser with 6ns pulse width, 193nm wavelength , pulse energy 9mJ and pulsed at 200 Hz Second, Nanosecond Nd:YAG laser with 6ns pulse width, 266nm wavelength , pulse energy 10mJ and pulsed at 200 Hz Solid geological sample is used as a target sample in the center of the ablation cell
SEM photomicrograph of the ablated crater of the 193nm Excimer laser with pulses applied to the sample using 200Hz repetition rate and N2 carrier gas.
SEM photomicrograph of the deposit particles on regions II and III
SEM photomicrograph of the deposit particles on regions II and III. (a) Aggregate of deposit particles in region II. (b) Aggregate of deposit particles in region III.
SEM photomicrograph of the ablated material of the sample with the regions towards out of the center of outlet tube of the ablation cell. Aggregate of (a) bigger ablated particles. (b) smaller ablated particles.
EDX analysis spectra (a), (b) for the geological sample and
EDX analysis spectra (a), (b) for the geological sample and. (c) for the ablated small particles in the bottom of the laser crater.
ICP-MS signal intensity for different laser modes with the geological sample.
Intensity (Counts/Sec.)
Sample area mode Drilling mode SPDR mode Elements Intensity (Counts/Sec.) Mn 263.54 105.39 68.43 Fe 294.92 Ni 52.74 15.9 10.1 Zn 1.25 2.76 1 Ga 25.28 6.14 6.77 As 1.9 2.41 1.62 Rb -- 9.2 1.03 Se 49.34 64.73 52.14 Y 247.1 133.51 71.74 Ag 1.07 1.19 Ce 1.31 2.65 Gd 1.81 Dy 8.27 1.95 1.35 Eu 1.68 1.97 Er 8.39 3.19 2.04 Yb 2.48 1.22 Pb 6.531 11.32 8.25 ICP-MS signal intensity for the elements of geological sample with different laser modes
● ● The results of metallographic structure show higher levels of mercury in the surface of the 10-Qirsh silver coins with considerable reduction towards the bulk compared to the silver content. The adding of mercury to the silver coin surface is called AMALGAMATION.
(1, 2, 5 and 10) Qirsh coins were the most widely used metal coins in the period of ( ), and this study showed that the analyzed coins give a valuable and important data about the Egyptian economics in that period. The elemental analysis techniques can be applied to give a real state for the economy of the country.
The 2005 pound coin has a high concentration of copper about 90% (mass%) and a minor concentration of aluminum about 6 % (mass %). The 2007 pound The copper element decreased to 64 % (mass%) and Zn element with a concentration reached to 32% (mass %). The Microprobe ED analysis showed that the bulk of the coin was different from surface and the alloy was completely iron with a concentration of a value 99.6% from inside and copper exists only on the surface of the coin. The same was observed in ring of the coin The 2008 one pound coin was had concentration of 69.3% (mass%) of copper with zinc element with concentration reached to 25.8 % (mass%).
Microprobe EDX analysis showed that the bulk of the coin was different from the surface and it had nickel with a concentration of 99.4 % (mass%). The same was observed in ring of the coin where the bulk of the ring was different from the surface and the alloy was completely iron from inside with a concentration of 99.56% (mass%) while the surface of the ring was nickel with a concentration of 99.6% (mass%). The 2007 coin is iron alloy coated with cooper in case of the disk and coated with nickel in case of the ring coin is nearly the same like 2007 with slight differences in Al and Si.
The last part dominates the ability to produce small particles from the coins alloy and solid samples by using laser ablation. These small particles depend on the composition of the alloy. The LLS is successfully observed the particle size of the ablated materials and coincides with the SEM images of the ablated materials of glass 611.
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