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November 10 Today’s Agenda Verbs Revisited ACT Practice Test

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1 November 10 Today’s Agenda Verbs Revisited ACT Practice Test
Cuckoo’s Nest Discussion—Hammering out some themes PSA Assignment HW: Cuckoo’s Nest pp ; PSA Assignment; So What Revisions

2 Verbs…Some new information
Mood Indicative Mood—expresses a simple fact It is warm. Will you be there? The imperative mood—expresses a command or request. Stand up. Please stay. The subjunctive mood expresses doubt, exhortation, wish, permission, supposition, expectation, possibility, condition contrary to fact, or intention. Use were with If statements or wishes. If I were you, I would stay. Would that it were so...

3 Verbs part –All those irregular verbs that sound like they’re incorrect.
Present Past Past Participle Drink Drank Drunk Begin Began Begun Bring Brought Steal Stole Stolen Swim Swam Swum

4 Verb Tense Examples I drank milk before bed last night.
I have drunk warm milk to help me sleep before. The suit had shrunk after I washed it.

5 Power Which character is the most powerful in the novel? Which is the most powerless? Are the characters in the novel inherently powerful (or powerless) or is power the result of a person’s position in life?

6 Madness In what ways does the novel challenge you to reconsider who is and who isn’t suffering from a mental illness? How does society view mental illness in One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest? How does the medical establishment view it? Are there conflicting view points presented in the book, and if so, what are they?

7 Freedom and Confinement
Is confinement literal or a state of mind in One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest? What does freedom mean for the patients? What does it mean for Nurse Ratched? What are the consequences of confinement? What are the benefits?

8 Manipulation Is manipulation in the novel always a bad thing?
In what ways does manipulation contribute to each character’s sense of power or powerlessness?

9 Laws and Order When the men begin to stand up to Nurse Ratched, are their complaints legitimate? Are her responses? Are there any examples in the novel of rules that actually are for the patients’ own good?

10 PSA Create some sort of advertisement that delivers a message to people based on our essential questions for Cuckoo’s Nest. You may work individually or with a partner. If you work with a partner, you must do either a video or audio recording. Make sure to complete thoughtful, thorough reflections. Make specific connections between your finished product and the book.

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