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Technology & Communications

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Presentation on theme: "Technology & Communications"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology & Communications
Marc Abernethy Chad Rimsky Yongho Chung Steve Kesler

2 Technology & Communications
Agenda Personal Communication Devices What are they Problems and issues Benefits and the Internet Key points of effective Proper etiquette Advantages/Disadvantages of electronic communication

3 Technology & Communications
Voice Mail Why are we using voice mail What is a bad voice mail message How to create good voice mail Video Conferencing How to use video conferencing effectively When to use video conferencing Future of video conferencing

4 Personal Communication Devices
What is this technology stuff all about??

5 What is a personal communication device?
Cellular phones Pager Personal Data Assistant

6 Problems and Issues Technology barriers Power play Stress

7 Benefits Business Personal Emergency

8 Press any key to continue….
and Internet Press any key to continue….

9 Email messages per year

10 Netetiquette Remember the human
Follow the same standards of behavior online that you would follow in real life Know where you are in cyberspace Respect other’s time Make yourself look good online Share your knowledge Do not flame unless flamed upon Respect other’s privacy

11 The do’s and don'ts of email
Short and to the point One subject/message Professional and careful Cite all sources Limit line length Chain of command Include signature Do not write in all caps Be careful with sarcasm and humor Respect copyright and license Abbreviate when possible

12 Take the online Netiquette Test

13 Voice Mail “A computer based system that works with your telephone system to improve communication by routing calls and recording messages”

14 Why are we using voice mail?
After hours calls can be answered Receptionists take incomplete or inaccurate messages Employees communicate with people if different time zones The same information is given to several employees

15 What is a “bad” voice mail message?
Talk too fast or slow Not enough information Can’t understand the message There is no return telephone or person name left in message

16 How to create a “good” voice mail?
Tips for creating a greeting message Your name The day of the week The name and extension of a colleague who can provide assistance, your pager number

17 How to create a “good” voice mail?
Tips for leaving message Explain why you’re calling, and when you need a response Keep your message brief Organize your thoughts Use a subject line Limit messages to one subject

18 Video Conferencing & Imaging

19 Video Conferencing & Imaging
What is video conferencing? How can I use it within my business effectively? What are the current limitations? Where is the future headed?

20 What is Video Conferencing & Imaging?
Electronic transmission of video & audio Media for interaction among remote located operations Document archiving and viewing from software applications “Rich” document formatting and linking

21 Using Video Conferencing & Imaging Effectively
T&E costs are highest expenditure for most companies Prepare as if you were going to travel Conference ground rules are critical Some business activities not suited for video conferencing

22 What are the limitations?
Initial investment is still fairly expensive for small to mid-size companies Technology is still immature Seasoned management still feels the need to “press the flesh” Rapport building with clients and vendors is limited

23 What does the future hold?
Reduced cost of ownership allowing the masses to start using in business operations Upgraded infrastructure to run rich browser based applications Mobile workers with video conference capabilities from laptops “Big brother” really is watching…..

24 Technology & Communication
“Technology is here and will continue to grow in our business and personal lives.”

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