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Elder Abuse: Its Many Faces & How to Help

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Presentation on theme: "Elder Abuse: Its Many Faces & How to Help"— Presentation transcript:

1 Elder Abuse: Its Many Faces & How to Help
Hollie C. Campanella, RN, MSN Doctoral Student, MUSC

2 Objectives: Define elder abuse
Describe the types of elder abuse & signs & symptoms of each Identify characteristics of elders who are at risk for being abused Identify potential perpetrators of abuse

3 Objectives (cont.) 5. Review of ethical obligations & legal mandates related to elder abuse 6. Recognize the value of elder abuse screening tool to emergency nursing practice 7. Coordinate care for individuals experiencing elder abuse presenting to ED

4 Definitions of Elder Abuse
CDC WHO Others: National Center for Victims of Violent Crimes (NCVC) National Center for Elder Abuse (NCEA) Prevalence Estimates

5 Types of Elder Abuse Physical Sexual Emotional or psychological
Neglect Abandonment Financial or material exploitation Self-neglect

6 Signs & Symptoms Physical Sexual Emotional or psychological Neglect
Abandonment Financial or material exploitation Self-neglect

7 Characteristics of Elders & Risk for Abuse
Age Dependency Substance Abuse Isolation Personal Behaviors

8 Perpetrators of Elder Abuse
Spouse Adult children or other family members Caregivers who are not related Fiduciary Advocates Medical facilities & personnel Financial facilities & personnel Other trusted individuals Strangers

9 Perpetrator Risk Factors
Age Gender Personal Characteristics Theories

10 Ethical Obligations & Legal Mandates
Autonomy versus Safety Harm Reduction Mandatory Reporting Laws Resources: Law citations by State available at: Ethical Obligations & Legal Mandates

11 Detection: Screening Tools
What exists? Selecting a tool for you & your ED What is still needed?

12 Coordinating Care RN Role Physician Role Social Worker
EMS & Law Enforcement Family & Others

13 Summary Growing problem that demands emergency nursing attention & expertise Detection depends on knowledge, vigilance, & caring Care enough to find out! Find & develop resources for yourself & your department

14 Questions?

15 References Administration on Aging (AoA). (2010). A profile of older Americans: Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2008). Understanding elder maltreatment: Fact sheet. Retrieved from The National Center on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL). (n.d.). Research on abuse in later life. Retrieved from The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA). (2009). Frequently asked questions. Retrieved from The National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC). (2008). Elder abuse. Retrieved from Ridgeway, M. L. (n.d.). Civil, criminal and administration remedies in cases of abuse, neglect and financial exploitation of the elderly. Retrieved from You Have the Power…Know How to Use it, Inc. (Producer). (1994). The golden years [DVD]. Available from

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