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Burwell Village College Primary School Y3 and 4 Parent Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "Burwell Village College Primary School Y3 and 4 Parent Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Burwell Village College Primary School Y3 and 4 Parent Presentation
Uniform Behaviour Spelling Maths methods and skills Home learning

2 Uniform and PE kits Please ensure your child is wearing proper school uniform and appropriate footwear. Coats PE kit: Blue/black shorts; white/blue t-shirt; trainers; jogging bottoms and a warm top; socks PE: Earrings taped or removed (not by staff) and long hair tied back

3 Behaviour Dojos: children will be rewarded for positive behaviour and effort by receiving green dojos. Children will receive a warning followed by a red dojo for negative behaviour/attitude 2 red dojos in one session = sent to Mrs Parrett/ Miss McNally (SLT) Parents will be called in for persistent issues Serious incidents = sent to Mr Smith/ Mrs Watts

4 Spelling Assessing 300 HF words and Y3-4 words- copies to be sent home. Children will be grouped across Y3 and Y4 according to their needs to ensure targeted teaching. Daily taught spelling sessions (30 mins) Weekly spelling list linked to teaching sent home each week (tested each Friday) Daily practise of unknown HF and Y3-4 words.

5 Maths methods

6 Y3/4 Addition

7 Addition on a number line
e.g e.g

8 Y3 Introducing the columnar method for addition.

9 Y3 Moving on to ‘carrying’

10 =

11 Y4 Addition using the columnar method with 4 digit numbers.

12 Units column

13 Tens column

14 Hundreds column

15 Thousands column

16 Y3/4 Subtraction

17 Counting down on a number line

18 Counting on to find the difference (when numbers are close together)

19 Y3 Subtraction (age expected)

20 Y3 Subtraction (age expected)

21 Y3 Subtraction (age expected)

22 Y3 Subtraction (age expected)

23 Y3 Subtraction (age expected)

24 Y3 Subtraction (age expected)

25 =

26 Y4 (Age Expected) Subtraction Written Method

27 Y4 Subtraction (Age Expected)

28 Y4 Subtraction (Age Expected)

29 Y4 Subtraction (Age Expected)

30 Y4 Subtraction (Age Expected)

31 Y4 Subtraction (Age Expected)

32 Y4 Subtraction (Age Expected)

33 Y4 Subtraction (Age Expected)

34 Y3/4 Multiplication

35 Multiplication on a number line (repeated addition)
e.g. 3 x 5

36 Arrays e.g. 3 x 5

37 We use formal written methods to solve more challenging calculations
We use formal written methods to solve more challenging calculations. By the end of year 4, the children should know all their x tables up to 12 x 12. They will need this knowledge to independently use the methods we will teach. Children must also understand x 10 and x 100 and be able to apply this concept: e.g. 6 x 7 = 42 6 X 70 = 6 X 7 X 10 = X 700 = 6 X 7 X 100 = 4200

38 Grid Method - it has a lot of steps.

39 Multiplication – Short Method (Y4 only)
9 x 83 =

40 Y4 Multiplication (Age Expected)

41 Y4 Multiplication (Age Expected)

42 Y4 Multiplication (Age Expected)

43 Y4 Multiplication (Age Expected)

44 Y3/4 Division

45 Use the X grid to get the children used to division.
Children MUST know that division is sharing and grouping. Children MUST know that it is the Inverse to MULTIPLICATION Use the X grid to get the children used to division.

46 Division as repeated addition on a number line: 15 ÷ 5 =

47 Division using chunking on a number line: 65 ÷ 5 =

48 Formal written method: Short division (Y4 only)

49 Y4 Division (Age Expected)

50 Y4 Division (Age Expected)

51 Y4 Division (Age Expected)

52 Y4 Division (Age Expected)

53 Y4 Division (Age Expected)

54 Y4 Division (Age Expected)

55 Y4 Division (Age Expected)

56 Y4 Division (Age Expected)

57 Y4 Division (Age Expected)

58 Y4 Division (Age Expected)

59 Key Skills – please practise at home!
Days of the week and months of the year- how many, the order and spelling Hours in a day; minutes in an hour; seconds in a minute Telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes (digital and analogue; 12 and 24h clocks) Measuring – units of measurement (e.g. kg and g to measure mass), converting between units of measure (e.g. 1000g = 1kg) and reading different scales.

60 Home learning Reading – daily, including comprehension.
Times tables – weekly test on Friday (termly timetable). Spellings – weekly test on Friday (weekly list linked to spellodrome, according to spelling group) AND practise HF/Y3-4 words. Homework – weekly sheet with a short maths and English/Grammar activity. Given out Wednesday; Handed in Monday.

61 Thank you!

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