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Marriages and Families Chapter Five Socialization and Gender Roles

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Presentation on theme: "Marriages and Families Chapter Five Socialization and Gender Roles"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marriages and Families Chapter Five Socialization and Gender Roles

2 Gender Myths What myths are taught in our society?

3 Is There a Difference Between Sex and Gender?
Many people use these terms interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings. What is gender identity? What are Gender roles? What are gender stereotypes?

4 The Nature-Nurture Debate
What is this debate? Which influences gender most?


6 The Nature-Nurture Debate
The Effects of Sex Hormones—All males and females share three sex hormones. They are: estrogen (dominant in females), progesterone (present in high levels during pregnancy in women), and testosterone (dominate in males). After puberty, varying levels of these hormones in males and females produce different physiological changes. Part 2

7 The Nature-Nurture Debate
Unsuccessful Sex Reassignment— In the famous case of male twins, psychologist John Money believed that one twin (who suffered accidental penis removal at a day old) could be raised as female and that she would never know that she had been born male. Brenda/David committed suicide in Video

8 How Important Is Nurture?

9 The Nature-Nurture Debate
Eye Experiment

10 Explaining Gender Roles

11 How Do We Learn Gender Roles?
Parents Peers Teachers and school Culture Religion Traditions



14 Second Shift

15 Gender in the Workplace
Discrimination Glass ceiling Sexual harassment Don’t ask Don’t get Men are more likely to ask for higher pay than women. Nature or Nurture?

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