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Lambeth Partnership Tasking & Co-ordination Protective Marking:

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Presentation on theme: "Lambeth Partnership Tasking & Co-ordination Protective Marking:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lambeth Partnership Tasking & Co-ordination Protective Marking:
Publication Scheme: Suitable for Publication Purpose: This will be used to inform the Safer Lambeth PTAC meeting and aid decision making with regards to resource allocation over the next 2 weeks. The period covered in this report is 17/09/13 – 15/10/13. The report is based on recorded crime, partnership databases, Information and Intelligence Reports and analytical & intelligence products. Branch: Lambeth Partnership Information Unit Date created 16 OCT 2013 Authors, Amber Burridge

2 Actions

3 Police Priorities Current Tasking Areas
Larkhall Burglary: 11 residential, 10 non residential Street Crime in Clapham Brixton Town Centre Dulwich Road vicinity Burglary:14 residential, 4 Non residential Streatham Central Burglary

4 North Cluster – Crime Issues
Residential Non-Res Previous Fortnight Drugs Address BURGLARY IN LARKHALL 11 residential, 10 non residential burglaries All residential offences targeted flats The point of entry for all offences was a window or via the front door either by slipping of locks or by force. Insecurities have been exploited Daytime Offences throughout the week Recommendations Consider Lock it and Stop it for the Vicinity Multi Agency approach to tackle the drugs addresses – are these attracting crime to the area? GAMBLERS ON WESTMINSTER BRIDGE: In the last 6 months (since Apr 2013) there have been 16 crime reports from Westminster Bridge. They were: Theft Person (9), Personal Robbery (3), Other Theft (2), GBH (1), Other Criminal Damage (1). 3 of the Theft Person offences and 1 of the Other Theft offences were related to the illegal gambling operations on the bridge. July was a peak month Believed to use St Thomas Hospital as a rendezvous point to give money earned to their boss

5 North Cluster Waylett House, Vauxhall Gardens Estate: Drug dealing and ASB Police conducted warrants which resulted in 4 arrests. Items recovered include Cannabis, knives, mobile phones and bullets. Recommendations: ASBAT to patrol and offer reassurance, as well as submit intelligence. Intelligence gathering required on community tensions in the area Are there any other issues in the estate, ASB or other? Fenwick Estate, Larkhall: Drug dealing and ASB Intelligence received on drug dealing and usage in the area. Recommendations: ASBAT to patrol and offer reassurance on Atherfold road, as well as submit intelligence. Intelligence gathering required on community tensions in the area Are there any other issues in the estate, ASB or other?

6 Central Cluster – Crime Issues
CLAPHAM: Robbery in Clapham 20 robberies in four weeks Lone males targeted mainly for phones 3 were knife enabled, 3 involved violence Hugger mugger method used. Offences occur throughout the week Peak times are 22:00 – 05:30hrs Residential Non-Res Previous Fortnight Drugs Address Recommendations Work with licensed premises to arrange taxi pick ups to stop people walking home alone Promote “Love your phone” campaign Consider promotion of Clapham Hub BRIXTON: Burglary in Dulwich Road 14 residential, 4 non residential in four weeks Basement Flats targeted Slipped Communal doors, smashed windows Insecurities exploited Offences occur throughout the week Overnight offences Recommendations Consider Lock it and Stop it Liaise with Neighbourhood watch Non residential Residential

7 Central Cluster – Community Issues
Angell Town Patrols - Coldharbour Police are patrolling the area after a shooting at the weekend which has seen a young man shot in the face. Recommendations: Intelligence gathering required on community tensions in the area Are there any other issues in the estate, ASB or other? Community Tensions in Electric Lane, Brixton Visible tension between the Afghan and Caribbean communities Some partnership work is already being carried out Recommendations: What is the underlying issue behind tension How do the local communities feel? Is it an issue? Intelligence gathering on the cause of the tensions – who is encouraging the tension? Brixton Hill / Tulse Hill Prostitution Related Activity Are young girls soliciting in the area? Recommendations: Report any sightings to the police using 999 to monitor the situation

8 South Cluster – Crime Issue
Burglary in St Leonards and Streatham Wells 15 residential burglaries in two weeks Slipped door and forced front door Mixture of flats and houses Offences occur throughout the week Daytime offences Recommendations Consider Lock it and Stop it Is the offending related to those going to the Nehemiah project in Tooting Bec Gardens? Week 1 Week 2

9 South Cluster Berridge Road, Norwood
ASB continues to be a problem in this area Harassment of residents and business owners A number of identified perpetrators referred to ASB Recommendations: What is the underlying issue behind tension How do the local communities feel? Is it an issue? Intelligence gathering on the cause of the tensions – who is encouraging the tension?

10 NHW Issues

11 Licensing Theft From Person
There has been an increase these past four weeks in Theft From Person. The top locations are as follows: Recommendations Engage with local licensed premises to put up posters reminding customers of looking after valuables Promote the use of Immobolise Use of beer mats to remind individuals of keeping an eye on their phone Ensure licensed premises promote “Love your phone” campaign.

12 Anti Social Behaviour Overview
Rowdy or Inconsiderate Behaviour: Top two streets are Streatham High Road and Brixton Road Incidents on Streatham High road tend to occur during the day between 14:00hrs and 18:00hrs and again between 21:00hrs and 00:00hrs. Peak days are Saturdays and Sundays Incidents on Brixton Road tend to occur between 12:00hrs and 14:00hrs and again between 17:00hrs and 18:00hrs with a peak day of Tuesday and Saturday. Rowdy / Nuisance Neighbours: The majority of incidents this period have occurred on Riggindale Road in St Leonards. Incidents occurred throughout the day, peaking between 07:00hrs and 08:00hrs throughout the week. On 2 days there were 2 reports. Noise There have been 4 reports in relation to Riggindale road. These have occurred between 00:00hrs and 05:00hrs Mondays and Sundays. 2 reports were on the same day. Recommendations Consider Multi Agency approach to Riggindale road – can mediation be used? Repeat Callers Since 16/09/2013, there have been 16 calls in relation to Noise in Franklin Close in Knights Hill Since 16/09/2013 there have been 13 calls in relation to York Road into Leake Street in Bishops due to Rowdy or Inconsiderate behaviour from TFL. In September. There were 6 reports in relation to York Road. 4 were disorder on a bus and 2 were in relation to Travel Fraud. Since 16/09/2013 there have been 7 calls from a new repeat caller in relation to Flat 67 Purser House in Tulse hill. The calls are in relation to Rowdy or Inconsiderate behaviour.

13 Street Population Issues from CRI:
Shrewsbury House, Meadow Road, (Oval) IV drug use in communal stairways in block. Paraphernalia, blood spills, urine, faeces.  Drug users aggressive when challenged. Suspicion of dealer in block. Martin House and Henry House, Wyvil Estate (Oval) similar issues to above. Some of the same drug users spotted in both locations. Mawbry Brough, Wilcox Close (Oval) Drug use and rough sleeper reports. Sainsburys, Wandsworth Road, Begging and Rough sleeping. IV drug using couple with links to Westminster. Newnham Terrace, Greet St and Imax Tunnels, rough sleeping. Heavy disruption needed. If you are concerned about someone rough sleeping, begging, street drinking or using drugs in public, please or call Operations: Operation encompass was held on 14th October: 10 arrests – 4 begging, 3 illegal gaming, 1 obstruction. Planned Operations: Operation Loose Change: anti-begging operation, targeting persistent and aggressive begging - 31st October

14 ASBAT TEAM Warrants on Waylett House, Vauxhall Gardens Estate:
ASBAT to do early evening patrols to give reassurance to residents and submit any intelligence Fenwick Estate, Ferndale: Intelligence received on drug usage in the area. ASBAT to provide reassurance on Atherhold Road Greet Street, Bishop’s: Reports have come in of rough sleepers in Greet Street and Windmill Walk. ASBAT to do early morning wake up and move on, give names to Phil White

15 Halloween and Firework night
Operation Autumn nights - more police on the streets to prevent ASB - October 28th – Friday 8th November: Youths that look underage in possession of fireworks will be stopped Test purchasing will take place Thursday 31st October to Monday 4th November to every retail firework outlet will receive a visit over these two weeks. Letters to those that have committed ASB in the last 6 months will receive a letter, as will their parents.  Looking to provide support and diversionary activities to those that receive a letter. Week commencing 28th October is Half term. Based on analysis, we will see an increase in crime and ASB. This has included theft and handling, increase in burglary and robbery. Dates to remember: 31st October – Halloween 3rd November – Diwali 5th November – Bonfire night

16 Premises licensed to sell fireworks

17 Premises licensed to sell fireworks

18 CCTV CCTV VAN TASKINGS Berridge Road Estate and nearby shops: Issues:
Issues: Lambeth Living managed estate Serious and On-going ASB Harassment of residents and business owners A number of identified perpetrators referred to ASB Case Panel for action Recommendations Continue with evening tasking of the CCTV Van onto the estate to provide: Reassurance to residents Capture images that may support action at a later date. Disrupt ASB activity Returns to be updated at next PTAC Redeployable Cameras Illegal Street Gamblers Issues: Since April 2013 there have been 12 reports on illegal gambling. The gamblers gather in the St Thomas Hospital Communal Gardens to give money to their boss. Believed to happen every day between 15:30 and 16:00hrs. Recommendations Cameras to be placed in the Gardens of St Thomas Hospital to corroborate the intelligence Capture Images that may support action later Returns updated at next PTAC

19 CCTV Taskings

20 Confirmed events 31st October – Halloween
2nd November – Battersea and Blackheath Fireworks 3rd November – Diwali 3rd November – West Norwood Feast – St Lukes Garden 5th November – Brockwell Park Fireworks 10th November – Rememberance Sunday Procession from Brixton to Stockwell 29th November – 22nd December – The Christmas Forest at Clapham Common BRIXTON ACADEMY is hosting a number of events. Events of note: 18th – 19th October – music event each night 23rd – 25th October - music event each night 26th October – comedian 30th October – music event 1st November – music event 2nd November – music event and dance act (Knife Party) 6th – 9th November – music event every night

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