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Preparation of Curriculum Vitae & Covering Letter

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1 Preparation of Curriculum Vitae & Covering Letter

2 Difference b/w Resume, CV & Bio Data
Resume is a French word meaning “Summary” Summary of Education, Skills & Employment No complete profile – only Specific skills to the targeted job 1 or 2 page

3 Difference b/w Resume, CV & Bio Data
Curriculum Vitae- Latin word meaning “course of life” Detailed than resume. 2 or 3 pages or longer based on requirement lists out every skills, all the jobs and positions held, degrees, professional affiliations of the applicant. Highlight general talent than the specific skills for a specific position

4 Difference b/w Resume, CV & Bio Data
Bio-Data- Short form of “Biographical Data” mostly used in India Focus on personal details like date of birth, gender, religion, race, nationality, residence, marital status, and the like. Education and Experience comes after that

5 Difference b/w Resume, CV & Bio Data
Resume- Experience people applying for a specific job that requires certain specific Skills CV- Preferred option for fresher's and people looking for Career Change. Bio Data- Government jobs, or for research grants where one has to submit descriptive essays. Not Common in International where age, gender religion are not required

6 Why to prepare better CV?
To show employer you are the ideal candidate for the job. Create such an impression on the employer that they will not be able to turn you down for interview. Draw attention to your relevant skills, experience, achievements and potential. Stand out from the crowd. Remember- you don't get to explain yourself, if you don't get to interview.

7 Important for a CV Take time for self – assessment
Outline skills, abilities, work experience and extracurricular activities.

8 Component of a Good CV Style Content Points of agreement
the layout, formatting and headings you use Use font size 11or 12, Arial/Times New Roman Use A4 size paper Content All good stuff about you Positives Points of agreement Point out how and why you meet their requirements.

9 Order of Contents in CV Name and address Contact Details
Career Objectives Educational Qualification Awards (if you have any) Experiences / employment history Voluntary work (if you have done any) Skill sets and personal attributes Extracurricular activities, interests and hobbies References

10 Name, Address and Contact Details
Contact information's at top Avoid nicknames. Use a permanent address. Use a permanent telephone number and include the area code or mobile number. Add your address that sounds professional. Include your web site address only if the web page reflects your professional ambitions.

11 Career Objectives Your career objective tells the employer what you are really looking for in a position. Don’t be needy Example: To obtain a position that will allow me to advance my potential while seeking new challenges. Show employer what you can contribute Example: An entry-level position in system administration where strong leadership ability and good communication skills are needed. Example: Vice-president of aerospace engineering in an agency where extensive knowledge of thermodynamics and heat transfer are needed. Change your Objective for different Jobs

12 Educational Qualifications
Fresher's can list their educational information first. others can list it after the work experience section. Should be written in a reverse chronological order. With percentage of marks (if good marks) and name of the Institution. Year of passing. Presenting it in tabular format will be better or can give as a small Para with what you are pursuing and what your favourite subject is and why?

13 Awards Awards demonstrate your achievements.
Forget about any awards you received prior to 7 years Give the award details with quantifiable terms Projects under taken/ internships/ paper presented/ certifications.

14 Work Experience overview of work that has taught you skills.
work experience in reverse chronological order Title of position, Name of organization Location of work (town, state) Dates of employment Describe your work responsibilities with emphasis on specific skills and achievements. Example: Sales Assistant, Rama retails shop, to till date My role as a part time sales assistant, I am responsible for assisting customer with their enquiries and processing sale transactions. Key achievements: Demonstrated excellent customer service Communicated effectively with customers to ensure that their needs were met.

15 Voluntary Work Some activities that you may have done on a voluntary basis This area will help you to tell an employer how you have learnt new skills, worked with a team and learnt responsibilities for your assigned work. Volunteered library work Organising educational tours Mobilizing fund for some disaster areas Community based activities military service

16 Skill sets This section tells the employer what skills you have that fit the position they are looking for. Try to describe the skill you have and how you have demonstrated it. For eg., Communication skill – I have been a member of the debating team at school Basic Computer Skills – I regularly use to communicate with other people and the internet to research topics of interest.

17 Interests and Hobbies In this section you can demonstrate your strengths to an employer If you have a limited experiences, this is a valuable tool for demonstrating your abilities to an employer. For eg: Puzzle solving Playing Football / any team games Please avoid jokes and irrelevant hobbies such as sleeping etc.,

18 References This is the final part of the C.V.
Include the names, organisations, contact numbers and id of people who can act as referees for you. Give them a call and ask their willingness to act as a referee for you.

19 Review Run a spell check on your computer before anyone sees your CV.
Get a friend (an English major would do nicely) to do a grammar review. Ask another friend to proofread. The more people who see your CV, the more likely that misspelled words and awkward phrases will be seen (and corrected).

20 DO’s Prepare CVs for individual companies
Customize your CV for your job target Use a standard font size in black colour. Include recent and relevant work experience (paid or voluntary). Be consistent in your layout. List your skills and achievements and back up with evidence. Keep it short ( 2 pages is ideal). Use positive action verbs such as “organised, delivered, accomplished, achieved”. Include a statement about your career aspirations and what you have to offer the employer. Be honest but positive (negatives can always be turned into positives). Proof-read for spelling, punctuation, grammar and meaning. Get someone to check it for you.

21 Don'ts Avoid folding your CV
Don’t include irrelevant information – previous Salary, prizes and publications etc. Say what you did, not what you think Personal information – marital status, religion, health, native place etc. Avoid unusual font size, stylish letters, graphics, underlining and unusual spacing etc. Avoid repeating information Don’t outsource, do it yourself.

22 Covering Letter The cover letter reflects your communication skills and to some extent your personality Name and address – (Left side top) Date and Place (Right side top) Head the Letter (Subject and Reference) The middle paragraph – Brief description of your education and experiences. Closing The closing in which you propose step for further action. Don’t end with hit the mark, use sentence with gentle and polite manner.

23 Model Covering Letter 18-11-2005 From Deepa M. 180,Kamaraj Nagar,
Coimbatore From Deepa M. 180,Kamaraj Nagar, Coimbatore – 2. To The Advertiser, PO Box 1116, Times of India, Delhi. Sir, Sub: Application for the post of Junior Accountant Ref: The Hindu dated This is with reference to your above advertisement in the Wednesday ( ) edition of The Hindu for the post of Junior Accountant for which I would like to submit my application. As per your requirements, I am a graduate with a Commerce background and with Accountancy as my specialty subject. For the past one year, I have been working as assistant to a senior Accountant employed a reputed firm and gave gained a fair amount of experience in the above mentioned field. If you consider that my application is worth considering, I can be available for interview at any time to suit your convenience, even at a short notice. Thanking You, Yours Sincerely, (Deepa,M)

24 Model Curriculum Vitae
K.Venkatesh 2/14 Marutham nagar, Coimbatore –20 Phone: e mail: Job Title : Junior Accountant Objectives: seeking a suitable and challenging career-oriented job with an organization where my knowledge and skills could be utilized to the maximum. Education: Bachelor of Commerce (Completed in 2004 at Kovai Kalaimagal College of Arts and Science, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore) Diploma in computer Accounting Management (DCAM) Experience: Presently working as System Administrator cum Accounts Assistants at Cheran Group of Companies - Responsibilities: Maintenance of all Accounts, Handle Central Excise and Commercial Tax, Rectifying the minor problems in computer both software and hardware.Maintenance and Trouble Shooting of Systems in Lan Environment (10 systems with printers). working in a financial company as Accountant (Part time job), Attended Advanced Accountancy Training during summer holidays

25 Skill Sets: Soft Ware Knowledge: Language: Visual Basic 6.0, H.T.M.L and Basic DBMS: Fox Pro, MS-Access and Fox base Operating System: Windows 98,ME,XP and Ms-Dos Server Based OS: Windows 2000 Server Packages: Tally 5.4., Ms-Office and WordStar Languages Known: Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, and English Soft Skills: Good Communication, Key boarding skill, Commitment to the work and Adjustable with others. Achievements: Received a shield for standing FIRST in overall academics during the second year UG Best Cadet Award received in NCC for the year Participated in H.A.T Competition conducted by Christ College –Bangalore. Member of Anti Corruption Movement (Chennai) Minor Project about “Micro Credit for Rural Women Groups” done in UG Course. Signature

26 Thank you

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