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Physics 101: Lecture 9 Work and Kinetic Energy

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1 Physics 101: Lecture 9 Work and Kinetic Energy
Today’s lecture will be on Textbook Sections 1

2 Energy Forms Units Joules = kg m2 / s2
Kinetic Energy (Motion) Today, Wed Potential Energy (Stored) Today, Wed Heat Later Mass (E=mc2) Phys 102 Units Joules = kg m2 / s2

3 “no such thing as a free lunch”
Energy is Conserved Energy is “Conserved” meaning it cannot be created nor destroyed Can change form Can be transferred Total Energy does not change with time. “no such thing as a free lunch” This is a BIG deal. Maybe do example of conservation (like cookies) and counter example like acceleration


5 Work: Energy Transfer due to Force
Force to lift trunk at constant speed Case a Ta – mg = 0 Ta = mg Case b 2Tb - mg =0 or Tb = ½ mg But in case b, trunk only moves ½ distance you pull rope. F * distance is same in both! (a) (b) Get demo “Work” W = F dcos(q) Tb mg Ta mg

6 Work by Constant Force A) W>0 B) W=0 C) W<0 Only component of force parallel to direction of motion does work! W = F Dr cos q F q Note Change in r! Dr F 1) 2) 3) WF = 0. q =90  cos(q) =0 Dr F q Dr F WF < < q < 270  cos(q) < 0 Dr F WF > 0. 0< q < 90  cos(q) > 0

7 ACTS: Ball toss You throw a ball up in the air. The work done by gravity by the time the ball reaches the top is … A) Positive B) Negative C) Zero The ball then falls to the ground. The work done by gravity during this part of the ball’s motion is …


9 Work by Constant Force Example: You pull a 30 N chest 5 meters across the floor at a constant speed by applying a force of 50 N at an angle of 30 degrees. How much work is done by the 50 N force? W = f d cos(theta) 50 N 30

10 Where did the energy go? Example: You pull a 30 N chest 5 meters across the floor at a constant speed, by applying a force of 50 N at an angle of 30 degrees. How much work did gravity do? How much work did friction do?

11 Preflight 1 You are towing a car up a hill with constant velocity. The work done on the car by the normal force is: 1. positive 2. negative 3. zero V


13 Preflight 2 You are towing a car up a hill with constant velocity. The work done on the car by the gravitational force is: 1. positive 2. negative 3. zero V

14 Preflight 3 You are towing a car up a hill with constant velocity. The work done on the car by the tension force is: 1. positive 2. negative 3. zero V

15 Kinetic Energy: Motion
Apply constant force along x-direction to a point particle m. W = Fx Dx = m ax Dx = ½ m (vf2 – v02) Work changes the quantity ½ m v2 Define Kinetic Energy K = ½ m v2 W = D K (For Point Particles)


17 Preflight 4 You are towing a car up a hill with constant velocity. The total work done on the car by all forces (including gravity) is: 1. positive 2. negative 3. zero

18 Example: Block w/ friction
A block is sliding on a surface with an initial speed of 5 m/s. If the coefficent of kinetic friction between the block and table is 0.4, how far does the block travel before stopping? x y On transparency 5 m/s

19 Falling Ball Example Ball falls a distance 5 meters, What is final speed? mg


21 Work by Variable Force W = Fx Dx Work is area under F vs x plot
Spring F = k x Area = ½ k x2 =Wspring Force Work Distance Force Distance F=kx Work

22 Summary Energy is Conserved Work = transfer of energy using force
Can be positive, negative or zero W = F d cos(q) Kinetic Energy (Motion) K = ½ m v2 Work = Change in Kinetic Energy S W = DK


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