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Announcements Please have a copy of “The Outsiders” by Monday, October 16, It is mandatory.   

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2 Announcements Please have a copy of “The Outsiders” by Monday, October 16, It is mandatory.   

3 Objective SWBAT identify the organization of an expository essay.

4 Glue in the “Writing” Section of your notebook.

5 Anchor Chart Practice Instructions:
Each group will be assigned a step from the writing process. Title your anchor chart. In your own words, summarize what your step means. Illustrate a picture that explains your step. Be creative! Your group will present your step.

6 “The Great Depression” Text
Summarizing Framework: Topic: The Great Depression Main Idea #1: Finding a Home in Hooverville Main Idea #2: Life in the Dust Bowl Main Idea #3: Finally, FDR’s “New Deal”

7 Sentence Stems Instructions: Based on the summarizing framework you just completed, fill in the blanks for your sentence stem. Sentence Stem: This _______________________________text provides information about ______________________________. We’ll discover _________________________________________, learn about __________________________________________________, and become familiar with ____________________________________________.

8 Sentence Stem: This expository text provides information about The Great Depression. We’ll discover Finding a Home in Hooverville, learn about Life in the Dust Bowl, and become familiar with FDR’s “New Deal”.

9 “The Great Depression”
In partners, read “The Great Depression” text out loud. Now read the text to yourself independently.

10 “The Great Depression”
Instructions: Discuss the following questions in your group: How was it helpful to summarize the text before you read? How were the text features, like the title, illustrations, bold print etc., helpful before you read?

11 Add to the “Writing” section of your notebook.
Glue in the small copy of “The Great Depression”. Glue the purple sentence frames in under “The Great Depression”. Do NOT cut these before gluing them in!

12 Exit Ticket Write one thing that you’ve learned in ELA class today.
Be sure to include your name on your sticky note. When you are done, place your sticky note to the front white board.

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