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British Academy/Government Social Research Workshop on Evaluation.

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Presentation on theme: "British Academy/Government Social Research Workshop on Evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1 British Academy/Government Social Research Workshop on Evaluation.
Case Study 4: Group Work trial Date: 12th July 2017 Presenter: Mark Langdon

2 Why are we testing Group Work
Group Work (JOBS II) Why are we testing Group Work JOBS Supports employment and inoculates against & Rejuvenates Psychological Distress Tested via RCT in the USA (twice) and Finland Found +ve impact on employment and Psychological State. Sustained differences up to 2 years following participation. Also ‘tested’ in Ireland and China But how does it work? Careful design; the facilitators behaviours, structure to claimant day, shared problem solving, shared group experiences, job search skills and resilience building.

3 What can sink your trial?
Resentment Bias Recognise Recruit Intervention Control Randomise A simple Parallel Designed RCT Selection Bias Innovation and Reactance Bias Challenge to equipoise Volition Fit with operational process

4 Addressing some of these issues, but not all…
Resentment Bias A simple Zelen Designed RCT Control Reactance Bias Recognise Randomise Decline Recruit Offered Intervention Accept Selection Bias Innovation Bias Challenge to equipoise Programme Fit with operational process Volition

5 Questions for discussion…
What steps have you taken to ensure successful trial delivery? What other factors have emerged in live running that have risked trial failure; how were these managed? What is the role for active trial management? What are your views on the importance of qualitative process evaluation?

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