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Los Conquistadores.

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Presentation on theme: "Los Conquistadores."— Presentation transcript:

1 Los Conquistadores

2 mercantilism Economic theory of the 16th- 18th centuries
Wealth is actual gold and silver There is a finite amount of wealth nations get richer by taking wealth from other nations Markets are places to sell goods for wealth Colonies provide markets for mother country’s goods, plus raw materials to make finished goods from

3 Spices Tea Ceramics

4 Columbus What? Quicker way to China How? Go West
Avoid Portuguese Africa, India Avoid Italy, Muslims in Mediterranean Why? Time is money

5 God, Glory, Gold Spreading God’s Word gains social status, plus salvation for yourself Gold buys social status Winning empire for Spain brings glory (fame) This was the plan for the....

6 Conquistadors: God Glory Gold
Usually hard working professional soldiers Not very diplomatic Brave beyond modern concepts felt they were continuing crusades against non-believers Most famous leader was.....

7 Hernando Cortez Professional soldier Intelligent Crafty Driven
Wanted to make a name for himself Conquered……

8 Mexico Emperor is Montezuma* Capital is Tenochtitlan……
* also spelled Moctecuzoma, Moctezuma Capital is Tenochtitlan…… …..Amazingly advanced yet…. …did not use the wheel

9 Tenochtitlan Culture Could predict phases of sun, moon, eclipses years in advance - calendar running until 2012 Had Schools, observatories, zoos, shopping markets, apartments Canals, bridges, straight roads! Bigger than Madrid, London, Paris in 1519


11 No “Happy astronomers club”
The Aztec were a Well organized- Highly advanced- Totalitarian- Fascist- Military dictatorship That fed their gods with human blood Up to 85,000 people murdered in one day

12 Feathered serpent Aztec legend said Quetzalcoatl would return
Legendary description looked like Cortez Moctecuzoma welcomed Cortez as a god gave him gold to go away There’s more?

13 Spanish advantages Technology Armor steel weapons horses Guns
Politics: wanted to Change heathen religion Conquer: so…. no deals and….

14 Mexico had enemies Mexican Power struggle some tribes welcomed Spanish
Sent soldiers, guides, equipment

15 Cortez wins 300 Europeans beat 300,000 warriors and conquer about 2 million people They simply replace the Aztec lords with themselves The average Mexican sees little change Except- no sacrifices. Hurray!

16 malhado Panfilo de Narvaez-rival of Cortez-tried to explore Florida
It was a horrible disaster The survivors crash-landed onto Galveston island- ......during a Hurricane

17 salvation Treated at first as slaves, Beaten and starved by Indians
Only 4 Spaniards were alive after several years Performed 1st aid on wounded Indian He got well They became Shamans-healers- and began to travel and live well

18 Cabeza de Vaca Treasurer for Panfilo de Narvaez expedition
First European to live in Texas Walked back to Mexico Wrote book on travels First European to describe a buffalo

19 Eesteban Enslaved Moor First African in North America and Texas
Became 1 of the 4 Spanish survivors Later, guide to Texas for Father Marcos expedition

20 What they accomplished
Explored most of Texas Established claims for Spain Wrote book that stirred European interest Said Texas was only rich in land Few believed them Made it into the history books

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